[Fribidi-discuss] Some thoughts about BiDi Quirks Handling

Shachar Shemesh fribidi-discuss at sun.consumer.org.il
Tue Sep 24 03:39:01 EST 2002

Dov Grobgeld wrote:

>Hi Behdad and everyone else,
>First of all I must say that I agree with you that I don't think
>that we should have any MicroSoft quirks hardcoded in the fribidi
>core itself. Giving an API through which it is possible to change
>the BiDi classification of any characters sounds very reasonable 
>though. Could someone knowledgable explain if that is enough to
>support the various historical M$ behaviours?
The person who can really answer this is called "Mati", and I don't 
think he is subscribed to this list. He is in charge of IBM's 
globalization group in Jerusalem. They did the Mozilla BiDi, the 
OpenOffice port, and quite a bit of the Wine Bidi (which they never 
released, and probably never will).

I will try and get in touch with him later this week (can't today, sorry).


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