[FriBidi] Incorrect Arabic text rendering in maperver

Ian Walberg ian.walberg at airborne.aero
Fri Jan 7 06:49:41 PST 2011


I have posted the images etc but the post is waiting approval as the
attachments make the post too big.

Thanks again for you help so far.



-----Original Message-----
From: fribidi-bounces+ian.walberg=airborne.aero at lists.freedesktop.org
[mailto:fribidi-bounces+ian.walberg=airborne.aero at lists.freedesktop.org]
On Behalf Of Stephen Woodbridge
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 8:36 PM
To: fribidi at lists.freedesktop.org
Subject: Re: [FriBidi] Incorrect Arabic text rendering in maperver

On 1/5/2011 11:01 PM, Ian Walberg wrote:
> Hello list and Happy New Year,
> I have posted this on the mapserver list and our current assumption is
> this is an issue related to fribidi and the font we are using.
> We are seeing incorrectly rendered Arabic text, typically a 'square'
> displayed instead of one of the characters or sometimes one or more
> characters missing.
> The data is coming from shape files and most the names appear to be
> displayed correctly.
> This is being seen on both ms4w and the target Linux installation.
> Any idea where to look would be greatly appreciated. Is the 'square'
> character what Freetype displays if it cannot find a character in the
> Specifically we get the issue with the Arabic text for the city
> Alexandria (in Egypt) with the font UniversOTSArabic.ttf and
> ArialUni.ttf. Andaltewt.ttf works ok.
> Many thanks
> Ian


Can you put you sample images on a site and post links to them so that 
people can see the problem you are having. I'm guessing a picture is 
worth more then a thousand words in this case.

Also it would help if you can post the UTF8 text string that is not 
displaying properly that that might also be helpful. To fix any problem 
like this we need to simplify the problem into a simple test case that 
the developers can try out.

And for what its worth, mapserver is probably built using

-Steve W
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