[Ftp-release] Announce: telepathy-mission-control 5.6.1

Simon McVittie simon.mcvittie at collabora.co.uk
Wed Nov 17 05:19:24 PST 2010

The "I suppose Guinness is good for you" release.

Mission Control is an account manager and channel dispatcher for the Telepathy
framework, allowing user interfaces and other clients to share connections to
real-time communication services without conflicting. It implements the
AccountManager and ChannelDispatcher D-Bus APIs defined by telepathy-spec.



• Make mc-tool support object paths, and improve the help (wjt)


• fd.o #30447: don't "return x()", where x returns void, in void functions
  (Jeff Cai)

• fd.o #30448: make type of mcp_account_storage_get_restrictions consistent
  with the header (smcv)

• Fix support for libaccounts-glib (fledermaus)

• Remove unnecessary use of _POSIX_C_SOURCE (Jeff Cai)
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