[Ftp-release] Announce: telepathy-glib 0.12.4

Simon McVittie simon.mcvittie at collabora.co.uk
Wed Nov 17 07:45:58 PST 2010

The "const GArray * const * * const *" release.

tarball: http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/releases/telepathy-glib/telepathy-glib-0.12.4.tar.gz
signature: http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/releases/telepathy-glib/telepathy-glib-0.12.4.tar.gz.asc


• fd.o #31473: force the namespace TelepathyGLib for the g-i-derived Vala
  bindings (treitter)

• fd.o #31581: don't modify a const array in
  tp_group_mixin_remove_members_with_reason (smcv)
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