geocode-glib: Geocoding, reverse geocoding library

John Layt johnlayt at
Wed Apr 27 15:11:41 PDT 2011

On Wednesday 27 Apr 2011 16:52:38 Bastien Nocera wrote:
> On Sat, 2011-04-23 at 21:40 +0100, John Layt wrote:
> > It is possibly something KDE could be interested in, although Bastien
> > might be in a better position to comment on that.
> If there's a Bastien other than me in this discussion, I'd be very very
> surprised :)

Whoops, meant Eckhart, sorry :-)

> The GConf dependency is already gone. And I wouldn't take a patch to
> remove the GSettings dependency. There's Qt bindings to access
> GSettings, and GSettings lives in GIO, which is also where the dbus-glib
> replacement (GDBus) lives. I don't think that trying to replace a
> library that's already in the dependencies due to the way packages are
> built is buying us anything but too moving parts.

Good to know about the GConf dependency.  I'm not too clued up on the 
GSettings situation, I'd have to check on the acceptability of that.

> As much as I don't like Vala for its API instability, it's not a
> run-time dependency, it's a compile-time dependency for people compiling
> from git (eg. you'd ship the pre-processed C files in tarballs).

Well, when choosing dependencies, KDE also looks at the sustainability of the 
project over a long period and ease of packaging for our downstream, and 
anything done in Vala would score low points on those fronts.  So not entirely 
fatal, but it would raise major obstacles.



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