Geoclue-2.20 not working with gnome-3.16.x

John Frankish john.frankish at
Sat Aug 1 06:48:22 PDT 2015

> > > If demo app is working and and Maps is not, issue somehow lies at Maps end. Whats the version of Maps?
> > >
> > Gnome-maps-3.16.2
> >
> > > > I'd be grateful for any troubleshooting suggestions.
> > > >
> > > For starters, you want to see if there is any errors on Maps console.
> > >
> >
> > As mentioned, there are no error messages when gnome-maps is started from the
> > console - there's only a pop-up when I click on the location icon in maps that states
> > it cannot connect to location services.
> I'd suggest you file a bug on Maps then cause the demo where-am-i connects fine so it's Maps' specific issue.
Just to be sure I've understood, if where-am-I is working, all you get is:

" Client object: /org/freedesktop/GeoClue2/Client/1"

..and nothing else?

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