gst player is not working on gst-android

Sandhya Sebastian sandhya.sebastian at
Thu Aug 23 01:23:44 PDT 2012


I am new in gst android.I am trying to play mp3 file using gst player .But It is not playing and I am getting the following error.

I/MediaPlayerService(   34): Create GstPlayer

V/GstPlayer(   34): GstPlayer constructor

V/GstDriver(   34): constructor

V/GstDriver(   34): persist.gst.debug property 0

V/GstDriver(   34): persist.gst.trace property /dev/console

V/GstDriver(   34): route the trace to /dev/console

V/GstDriver(   34): gstreamer init check

V/GstPlayer(   34): GstPlayer send GstDriver Setup

V/GstDriver(   34): create playbin2

V/GstDriver(   34): playbin2 creation: playbin20

W/GstDriver(   34): play bin flag is 0x77

V/GstDriver(   34): persist.gst.verbose property = 0

V/GstDriver(   34): set up mainloop

V/GstDriver(   34): register bus callback

V/GstDriver(   34): enter main loop

V/GstDriver(   34): add surfaceflingersink to playbin

V/GstDriver(   34): add surfaceflingersink to playbin

V/GstDriver(   34): add audioflingersink to playbin

I/GstPlayer(   34): GstPlayer setDataSource(16, 0, 3750641)

I/GstDriver(   34): create source from fd 16 offset 0 lenght 3750641

V/GstDriver(   34): dup(fd) old 16 new 25

D/GstDriver(   34): GstDriver::setAudioSink: 0xedfc8

D/GstAudioFlingerSink(   34): set audiosink: 0xedfc8

V/GstPlayer(   34): GstPlayer prepareAsync

V/GstDriver(   34): prepareAsync

V/GstDriver(   34): bus receive message STATE_CHANGED old 1 new 2 pending 3

V/GstDriver(   34): bus receive message STATE_CHANGED

V/GstDriver(   34): nd 0x80b05be0 : sd 0x80b05a20

V/GstDriver(   34): create and register appsrc callbacks

D/GstAudioFlingerSink(   34): creating ringbuffer

D/GstAudioFlingerSink(   34): created ringbuffer @0x113010

D/GstAudioFlingerSink(   34): >gst_android_audioringbuffer_open_device

D/audioflinger_wrapper(   34): Open AudioSink successfully : 0x110130

D/GstAudioFlingerSink(   34): open an existed flinger, 0x110130

D/GstAudioFlingerSink(   34): gst_audioflinger_sink_getcaps,0x110130

D/GstAudioFlingerSink(   34): gst_audioflinger_sink_getcaps,0x110130

D/GstAudioFlingerSink(   34): gst_audioflinger_sink_getcaps,0x110130

D/GstAudioFlingerSink(   34): gst_audioflinger_sink_getcaps,0x110130

V/GstDriver(   34): get unhandled message on bus src stream-status

V/GstDriver(   34): get unhandled message on bus src stream-status

V/GstDriver(   34): get unhandled message on bus id3demux0 tag

D/GstAudioFlingerSink(   34): gst_audioflinger_sink_getcaps,0x110130

D/GstAudioFlingerSink(   34): gst_audioflinger_sink_getcaps,0x110130

D/GstAudioFlingerSink(   34): gst_audioflinger_sink_getcaps,0x110130

V/GstDriver(   34): decodebin20: structure name=missing-plugin

V/GstDriver(   34): a plugin is missing send error message gstreamer|0.10|<unknown>|MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3) decoder|decoder-audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1, mpegaudioversion=(int)1, layer=(int)3, parsed=(boolean)true

E/MediaPlayer(  347): error (0, 0)

E/MediaPlayer(  347): Attempt to call getDuration without a valid mediaplayer

E/MediaPlayer(  347): error (-38, 0)

E/MediaPlayer(  347): Attempt to call getDuration without a valid mediaplayer

E/MediaPlayer(  347): error (-38, 0)

E/MediaPlayer(  347): Attempt to perform seekTo in wrong state: mPlayer=0x20d448, mCurrentState=0

E/MediaPlayer(  347): error (-38, 0)

V/GstPlayer(   34): GstPlayer getCurrentPosition

V/GstDriver(   34): getPosition eos 0

V/GstDriver(   34): Stream position 0 ms

E/MediaPlayer(  347): Attempt to call getDuration without a valid mediaplayer

E/MediaPlayer(  347): error (-38, 0)

D/MediaPlaybackService(  347): restored queue, currently at position 0/0 (requested 0)

V/GstDriver(   34): get unhandled message on bus uridecodebin0 warning

E/GstDriver(   34): bus receive message ERROR 12: Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in. from /u/android_GB_bk/external/gstreamer_aggregate/gst-plugins-base/gst/playback/gstdecodebin2.c(3555): gst_decode_bin_expose (): /GstPlayBin2:playbin20/GstURIDecodeBin:uridecodebin0/GstDecodeBin2:decodebin20:

E/GstDriver(   34): no suitable plugins found

E/MediaPlayer(  347): error (0, 0)

E/GstDriver(   34): bus receive message ERROR 12: Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in. from /u/android_GB_bk/external/gstreamer_aggregate/gst-plugins-base/gst/playback/gstdecodebin2.c(3555): gst_decode_bin_expose (): /GstPlayBin2:playbin20/GstURIDecodeBin:uridecodebin0/GstDecodeBin2:decodebin20:

E/GstDriver(   34): no suitable plugins found.

I have tried with gst-inspect and all plugins required are present.
Please help with the same.

Thanks in advance.

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