Adding extra dependencies in cerbero for android target

sazzadur rahman sazzad1009 at
Fri Jun 13 12:04:42 PDT 2014


I've compiled GStreamer SDK from source using cerbero (cerbero -c config/cross-android.cbc package gstreamer-sdk). After successful compilation, it generated the  SDK (gstreamer-sdk-android-arm-2013.6.tar.bz2). However, android-tutorial-3 compilation fails since this SDK does not have gstreamer-interfaces dependency (#GSTREAMER_EXTRA_DEPS  := gstreamer-interfaces-0.10 gstreamer-video-0.10 in; although the standard SDK from has these dependencies. 

How can I add these extra dependencies to cerbero so that they would be part of the compiled SDK?

I would appreciate any help!
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