importing gstreamer editing services on android

Sebastian Dröge sebastian at
Sat Jun 28 03:52:48 PDT 2014

On Sa, 2014-06-28 at 12:31 +0200, Sandro Sacquegno wrote:
> Sorry to contradict you Sebastian, but what is needed
> gst-editing-services-1.0 , not ges-1.0
> I'm using gstreamer-1.0-android-arm-

Oh yes, thanks for the correction!

> BTW I have, in GSTREAMER_PLUGINS_EDITING group, just gnonlin: is that
> correct?

Yes, that's correct (for now).

> I'm trying a simple code which open an ogv and play some bit of it, but it
> fails with:
> ....gstdiscoverer.c:1626:start_discovering No URI to process
> ....ges-asset.c:774:ges_asset_request Tried to create an Asset for type
> GESUriClip but no ->init method
> using this code:
> gchar *uri = gst_filename_to_uri ("sdcard/test.ogv", NULL);
> GESUriClip *src = ges_uri_clip_new (uri);
> as a starting point, but I don't remember where I got it from.
> Should the currently online documentation related to GES (1.2.1) attain
> well to the last
> Is there any sample code using the latter, somewhere?

Yes, the documentation is the same and it should work the same way. Can
you ask this question on gstreamer-devel at ? It's
not Android related and is a generic gst-editing-services question...
and I don't know the answer myself right now :)

Sebastian Dröge, Centricular Ltd -
Expertise, Straight from the Source
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