Android gstreamer: video sink to a memory buffer

Gregoire Gentil gregoire at
Thu Apr 23 16:00:56 PDT 2015


I have an Android application that leverages gstreamer very similar to 
the tutorial. Right now, my pipeline finishes with eglglessink and the 
video is displayed correctly through the GstreamerSurfaceView.

I would like to post process the video output in java with a proprietary 
library that uses a GLSurfaceView. I have some trouble to mix both 
gstreamer and this library.

I have explained the problem here:

Option 1 (not described in link):
- is there a sink that could output the video to a memory buffer? That 
would be the easiest solution as I would use my proprietary library with 
its GLSurfaceView and "simply" pass the buffer which would contain the 
video frame.

Option 2 (described in link):
- Is there a "simple" way to use a TextureView with Android gstreamer so 
that I can access the buffer of each frame?

I'm not too concerned about performance as the tablet is very powerful 
and can handle heavy load of processing.

Any help would be much appreciated,


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