Missing h264 decoder in Samsung Galaxy S7 and arm64 devices

Justin J. Kim justin.joy.9to5 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 22 03:10:53 UTC 2017


If it happens only on arm64, the recent patch[0] might be relevant.


Without glib patch, gstreamer will fail to load plugins which uses JNI call
on ARM64.


On Wednesday, November 22, 2017, Thadeu Antonio Ferreira de Melo <
thadeu.afm at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello.
> I realised I sent this question to the general Gstreamer forum. Since this
> is a Android especific error, this thread would be a better fit.
> We have an Android app that plays rtsp streams. The app Works fine on most
> of our devices, but tests on a Galaxy S7 shows only a black screen.
> Using Android Studio debug we discovered these erro messages.
> "gsturidecodebin.c:931:unknown_type_cb:<uridecodebin0> warning: No
> decoder available for type 'video/x-h264, stream ..."
> "gstdecodebin2.c:4600 .... Missing decoder: H.264 (High Profile)
> (video/x-h264, ...."
> "gsturidecodebin.c:998:no_more_pads_full: .... Missing decoder: H.264
> (High Profile) (video/x-h264, ..."
> We have found a similar case with the Twitch app on the S7. But no more
> information than that.
> We also realised that this error happens with other arm64 devices (Nexus
> 5). After that we removed the flag for arm64. Removing it make the app run
> on compatibility mode and that makes the video stream playing as expected.
> Does and one have any clue on how to solve this problem, so we can have a
> full arm64 app running?
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