[Bug 654192] [PATCH] New sink for HTTP live streaming

GStreamer (bugzilla.gnome.org) bugzilla at gnome.org
Mon Nov 14 16:01:40 PST 2011

  GStreamer | gst-plugins-bad | git

--- Comment #3 from Andoni Morales <ylatuya at gmail.com> 2011-11-15 00:01:37 UTC ---
I have updated the branch hlssink in my github clone
(git at github.com:ylatuya/gst-plugins-bad.git)

I'll be given some days to work on a DASH sink, and I'll will abstract part of
this sink to a base class, so that it can be reused for DASH and Smooth. I know
that Alessandro has been working on a similar sink based on multifdsink, but I
would use the current design since DASH on-demand can use both fragments or a
single file.

The base class would provide a virtual method that is called each time a new
fragment is receive on the sinks, allowing the subclasses to update accordingly
their playlists. This base class could also be configured by subclasses to
create a new file for each fragment or append each new fragment to the same
file, being able to create non-fragmented DASH content too.

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