[gst-devel] Daily IRC logs
wim.taymans at chello.be
wim.taymans at chello.be
Wed Apr 11 06:27:35 CEST 2001
[06:44] omega (omega at omegacs.net) joined #gstreamer.
[06:47] <taaz> hey omega
[06:53] ajmitch (me at p22-max7.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gstreamer.
[07:15] ajmitch (me at p22-max7.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: http://www.freedevelopers.net
[07:59] dichro (dichro at foo.optusnet.com.au) joined #gstreamer.
[08:05] <dichro> does anybody (awake :) know how an application should extract frames from a pipeline?
[08:05] <chillywilly> nope
[08:05] <chillywilly> ;)
[08:09] <dichro> ah well :)
[08:13] <taaz> extract?
[08:14] <taaz> it depends if an element outputs frames or not. for instance, most things that connect to videosink are just passing frames to it
[08:14] <dichro> well - I have video running through a bunch of plugins, but I don't want to sink it in a plugin - I want it delivered to my application. is there an easier way to achieve this than writing an application specific plugin?
[08:15] <taaz> i have no idea ;)
[08:16] <taaz> you don't have to write a "plugin" you just need to hook to a proper object i think...
[08:16] Action: dichro nods
[08:16] <dichro> I think what I want is for fakesink to send a signal with the buffer that it has just received
[08:17] <dichro> but it doesn't do that. I'm going to /make/ it do that, but I'll feel silly if there's an equally easy and already existing technique that I've overlooked.
[08:17] <dichro> (that is, of course, assuming that I can get the CVS tree to build. grr. )
[08:18] <taaz> i'm not sure if there are any examples on embedding gstreamer
[08:18] <taaz> i'm sorta doing that now too ;) but i'm just dealing with the front of the pipeline pushing data into it
[08:19] <dichro> how are you doing that?
[08:22] <taaz> i'm not yet
[09:08] GUITAR_SP (. at ACB278BD.ipt.aol.com) joined #gstreamer.
[09:12] GUITAR_SP (. at ACB278BD.ipt.aol.com) left #gstreamer (12,2\1\0 FoxScript 2001 12,2\1\).
[09:13] Nick change: taaz -> taazzzz
[09:17] chillywilly (baumannd at d178.as28.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) left irc: Ping timeout for chillywilly[d178.as28.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net]
[09:30] dobey (dobey at dreadnought.ximian.com) left irc: [x]chat
[10:06] <dichro> hmm. anybody using the jpegenc plugin? I get FPEs, and I note that the test stuff has it commented out...
[10:12] ajmitch (me at p38-max5.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gstreamer.
[10:12] <ajmitch> ji
[10:12] <ajmitch> hi
[10:39] ajmitch (me at p38-max5.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout for ajmitch[p38-max5.dun.ihug.co.nz]
[10:45] ajmitch (me at p38-max5.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gstreamer.
[10:47] wtay-sleeping (wim at cable-195-162-214-198.upc.chello.be) left irc: Client Exiting
[16:37] _gst_newt_ joined #gstreamer.
[16:52] <taaz> hey _gst_newt_, you missed drunknap
[16:53] <wtay> yo taaz :-)
[16:53] <taaz> yo wtay, fix that backlog of doc failure messages ;)
[16:53] <wtay> what did we miss, taaz?
[16:53] <wtay> I will
[16:53] <taaz> miss? you missed an empty room
[16:54] <wtay> and drunknap apparently...
[16:54] <taaz> hack i dunno... i've been doing 14 hour days on other work... no time for gstreamer :(
[16:54] Action: wtay is apt-getting 130 packages...
[16:54] <wtay> oh
[16:55] <taaz> well... i guess i did make a quick start into the oms port to gstreamer
[16:55] <wtay> got anything you can show?
[16:55] <taaz> heh... not at all
[16:56] <taaz> i was mostly just figuring out which code i could rm -rf and which i could keep around
[16:57] <taaz> lot of duplicated stuff
[16:57] <wtay> hmm
[16:57] <wtay> I'm going to give the bonobo component another try soon...
[17:02] Nick change: taaz -> taaz-away
[17:38] holger_ (holger at Q.convergence.de) left irc: Client Exiting
[18:08] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) joined #gstreamer.
[18:08] <thomas> ok, here I am
[18:08] <thomas> (I'm not used to IRC-ing)
[18:08] <thomas> hello ? anyone around ?
[18:09] <wtay> hi
[18:09] <wtay> you're the one with compile problems?
[18:09] <thomas> yes
[18:09] <thomas> I've done a succesful compile on one of the machines just now
[18:09] <wtay> ok good
[18:10] <thomas> but I had to re-install a lot of rpm's to get where I am now
[18:10] <thomas> I just did one of the tests
[18:10] sienap (synap at ipc379c032.dial.wxs.nl) joined #gstreamer.
[18:10] sienap (synap at ipc379c032.dial.wxs.nl) left irc: sienap has no reason
[18:10] <thomas> and it worked
[18:10] <wtay> very cool
[18:10] <thomas> I'm still wondering why it doesn't work on the other two machines
[18:10] <thomas> But I guess I could start working on it now
[18:11] <thomas> Is there any more up to date info on what types of plugins are available now ?
[18:11] <wtay> I had trouble with the #define WIN32 sometime too
[18:11] <wtay> hmm, sec..
[18:11] <thomas> oh, well, can I just turn off the WIN32 define ? At the moment I'm only going to do audio stuff, so...
[18:11] <wtay> ok
[18:12] <wtay> the WIN32 define is needed if you want the DivX stuff...
[18:12] <wtay> gstwindec etc...
[18:12] <wtay> can't find a list of supported types...
[18:12] <thomas> ok, so where can I turn it off ? in the configure script ?
[18:12] <wtay> no, not yet...
[18:12] <thomas> ok, in one of the makefiles then ?
[18:12] <wtay> just not compile the stuff in avi/windec or something
[18:13] <wtay> yeah, plugins/avi/Makefile.am
[18:13] <thomas> ok, i'll try that first.
[18:13] <thomas> another thing I was wondering...
[18:13] <wtay> yes?
[18:13] <thomas> if you create a pipe, the idea is that you iterate the pipe manually if you don't use threads
[18:13] <wtay> yes
[18:13] <thomas> that way audio starts flowing from the disk src through the decoder to the audio sink
[18:13] <wtay> exactly
[18:13] <thomas> but how big a chunk of audio is being processed in one iteration ?
[18:14] <wtay> it can be controlled with a property in the disksrc
[18:14] <wtay> it defaults to 4096
[18:14] <thomas> as in bytes, or samples ?
[18:14] <wtay> bytes
[18:15] <thomas> ok... I'll try working on it tonight or tomorrow
[18:15] <wtay> with the bytesperread property this can be changed
[18:15] <wtay> thomas: what are your plans?
[18:15] <thomas> one other thing I was wondering...
[18:15] <thomas> I'll tell about my plans first
[18:15] <thomas> they're pretty simple
[18:15] <thomas> I wrote an mpeg mixer (in the subband domain) for my thesis two years ago
[18:15] <thomas> I want to make it more general and more stable
[18:16] <thomas> and I was looking for a clean platform/interface to do it with
[18:16] <wtay> nice
[18:16] <thomas> and I was intrigued by the simplicity of gstreamer
[18:16] <thomas> (too bad the installation is hence more difficult !)
[18:16] <thomas> anyway...
[18:16] <wtay> yeah, sorry about that
[18:16] <thomas> I was wondering if it would be possible/advisable to write different kinds of mpeg plugins
[18:16] <thomas> meaning, right now the plugins convert to/from raw pcm samples
[18:17] <thomas> while it would be also possible to convert to/from subband samples
[18:17] <wtay> very cool
[18:17] <thomas> I don't know if it would give a speed increase on the gstreamer platform
[18:17] <wtay> and easy to intergrate in gstreamer
[18:17] <thomas> but it did a lot for my thesis
[18:17] <wtay> what exactly does it do?
[18:17] <thomas> basically, the mpeg filterbanks decompose the audio into 32 equally wide sub bands
[18:18] <wtay> you mix the subbands instead of the samples then?
[18:18] <thomas> (are you familiar with mpeg audio on a technical level ?)
[18:18] <thomas> yes, that's what it did.
[18:18] <thomas> Hence, you bypass a lot of the extra filtering.
[18:18] <wtay> ok, I get the idea then
[18:18] <thomas> And theoretically you also improve the quality a little bit.
[18:18] <wtay> in gstreamer you can easily add this because there are no fixed media types
[18:18] <thomas> Which shouldn't be noticeable, except when you start chaining
[18:19] <thomas> I should look into it.
[18:19] <thomas> although I don't know how useful it would be today.
[18:19] <thomas> first of all computers are faster.
[18:19] <thomas> and second I'm wanting to start switching to ogg anyway.
[18:19] <thomas> But if it might help for certain applications...
[18:19] <wtay> it could be very usefull still...
[18:19] <wtay> yeah
[18:19] <thomas> how could it be useful for other things ?
[18:19] <wtay> I think mp3 isn't going away that fast..
[18:20] <thomas> yes, that's true.
[18:20] <thomas> but I don't know how much I want to go into the low level code again.
[18:20] <wtay> and some people are interested in mp3 mixing anyway
[18:20] <thomas> I remember at the end of my thesis my code started getting dirty as hell
[18:20] <wtay> heh
[18:20] <thomas> but I should look into it I guess... it would be more efficient to re-do it in the gstreamer model.
[18:21] <thomas> but that probably depends on the overall efficiency of the whole gstreamer platform.
[18:21] <thomas> Which I'm about to test.
[18:21] <thomas> Does it add a lot of overhead compared to direct coded solutions ?
[18:21] <wtay> overhead of gstreamer is untested but assumed very low
[18:22] <wtay> most of the buffer passing involves only one extra function call
[18:22] <wtay> if you use cothreads, overhead is about 600 cycles...
[18:22] <thomas> ok, then hopefully I will be very pleased with the result !
[18:22] <thomas> I'll start by keeping it simple...
[18:22] <thomas> I don't know too much yet about threading, so...
[18:23] <thomas> in any case, thanks for the extra help and insight !
[18:23] <wtay> ok, if you have any trouble come back again
[18:23] <wtay> gstreamer is under heavy construction so...
[18:23] hadess (hadess at pc213-gui2.cable.ntl.com) joined #gstreamer.
[18:24] <wtay> dude!
[18:24] <thomas> ok... I'm going home now... until next time !
[18:24] <wtay> see ya
[18:24] <thomas> uh... just type /quit i guess ?
[18:24] <hadess> hey wtay =)
[18:24] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) left irc: I'm outta here!
[18:24] <wtay> hadess: home?
[18:25] <hadess> wtay: yep, since yesterday
[18:26] <wtay> hadess: I just arrived 3 hours ago :)
[18:26] <hadess> wtay: heh, what you did yesterday ?
[18:26] <wtay> sight seeing mostly.. too bad all museums/attraction were closed on monday
[18:27] <hadess> we've been visiting copenhagen yesterday with erik, zaheer, christian and the others
[18:27] <wtay> anything interesting?
[18:29] <wtay> yeah, we too :-)
[18:29] <wtay> and so did richard 'cause we saw him wandering around there too :)
[18:30] <hadess> well, there was about 10 of us =), and 20 at the beginning, but we split up
[18:31] <wtay> well..
[18:32] <hadess> it's a bit dead here =P
[18:33] <wtay> not a lot of cool pictures of us on the GUADEC site either :(
[18:34] <hadess> there is dude
[18:35] <hadess> lemme search
[18:35] <wtay> http://gstreamer.net/guadec-pics
[18:36] <hadess> http://canvas.gnome.org/~gman/guadec/photo-034.jpg <- some
[18:37] <wtay> oh cool
[18:38] <hadess> http://www.sslug.dk/moede/hygge/2001-04-06/pix/index.php?start=18&col=3&row=2 <- me =P
[18:39] <hadess> http://www.sslug.dk/moede/hygge/2001-04-07/pix/index.php?start=6&col=3&row=2 <- you, michele and erik
[18:41] <wtay> hmm.. looks like I didn't look hard enough...
[18:41] <hadess> wtay: http://gnome.wlug.westbo.se/guadec/ <- all the photos from guadec
[18:58] <wtay> michelle is slightly going to retouch this one: http://gstreamer.net/guadec-pics/dscn4713.jpg 8-))
[18:58] <wtay> brb (food)
[19:53] aj_zzzz (me at p4-max11.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gstreamer.
[19:57] ChiefHighwater (paul at temple-baptist.com) joined #gstreamer.
[20:02] Nick change: aj_zzzz -> ajmitch
[20:03] chillywilly (baumannd at joined #gstreamer.
[20:14] dobey (dobey at dreadnought.ximian.com) joined #gstreamer.
[20:17] <wtay> back
[20:17] <wtay> yo
[20:17] <dobey> yo
[20:17] <chillywilly> hey
[20:17] <chillywilly> I saw your guys pictures
[20:17] <wtay> hehe
[20:17] Action: dobey has no pictures
[20:18] <wtay> I'm not one any of them :-)
[20:18] <wtay> s/one/on
[20:18] <chillywilly> ajmitch told me you were
[20:18] <ajmitch> omega told me you were ;)
[20:18] <wtay> ok, I surrender :)
[20:18] <dobey> dobey told me you were
[20:18] <chillywilly> heh
[20:19] <chillywilly> I have some at http://goats.gnue.org/~chillywilly/photos/
[20:19] Action: ajmitch shuts up ;)
[20:19] Action: chillywilly kicks ajmitch
[20:19] <wtay> http://www.sslug.dk/moede/hygge/2001-04-07/pix/index.php?viewone=11
[20:19] <wtay> one with my GF, me, Erik
[20:20] <ajmitch> ah, cool
[20:20] <dobey> oh, btw, bonobo is zip-bang easy
[20:21] <chillywilly> cool
[20:21] <wtay> dobey: yeah, according to Michael Meeks it's a matter of 10 lines of code
[20:21] <dobey> wtay: according to meeks, everything is 10 lines of code :-)
[20:22] <wtay> http://gstreamer.net/guadec-pics/dscn0018.jpg
[20:22] <wtay> dobey: true :-)
[20:22] <wtay> that's a group picture...
[20:22] <ajmitch> hehe
[20:22] <dobey> welp, back to work...
[20:23] <chillywilly> that's the one ajmitch showed me
[20:23] <chillywilly> ;)
[20:23] <hadess> hi guys
[20:23] <wtay> from top left zigzag to right bottom: zaheer, me, owen, uraeus, richard, erik, haddes
[20:25] <dobey> hadess needs to get his ass over here :-P
[20:26] <chillywilly> who has the hat on?
[20:26] <wtay> chillywilly: haddes and zaheer :-)
[20:26] <ajmitch> zaheer
[20:27] <chillywilly> hadess is next to omega right?
[20:27] <chillywilly> kneeling down
[20:27] <ajmitch> oh yeah, hadess too ;)
[20:27] <wtay> es
[20:27] <wtay> yes
[20:28] <hadess> i'm the one with the france jersey
[20:30] <dobey> you're the one that needs to get his french ass to boston :-P
[20:31] <hadess> YES !
[20:31] <hadess> take peter hostage, and make him hire me _now_ :P
[20:33] <dobey> haha
[20:42] Action: chillywilly is away: kicking student accounts people in the nuts
[20:42] <ChiefHighwater> wtay: you want a labled picture of the team to post?
[20:42] Nick change: chillywilly -> cwNutBuster
[20:42] <ajmitch> heh
[20:43] <wtay> ChiefHighwater: have you got one?
[20:43] <ChiefHighwater> i labled mine to get the other pics straight
[20:43] <ChiefHighwater> so, yup
[20:43] <wtay> got it online?
[20:43] <ChiefHighwater> nope, but I can mail it
[20:43] <wtay> ok cool
[20:43] <ChiefHighwater> to?
[20:43] <wtay> wim.taymans at chello.be
[20:43] <wtay> I'll put it on the site
[20:45] <ChiefHighwater> on its way
[20:45] <wtay> :)
[20:45] <ChiefHighwater> make sure I got it right 8-]
[20:46] <wtay> with a title like "would you have invested?" :-)
[20:46] <ChiefHighwater> hehe
[20:49] <ajmitch> byebye
[20:49] <ChiefHighwater> l8rz
[20:49] <wtay> cya
[20:49] ajmitch (me at p4-max11.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: http://www.freedevelopers.net
[20:49] Action: cwNutBuster is back (gone 00:07:52)
[20:50] Nick change: cwNutBuster -> chillywilly
[20:51] <wtay> http://gstreamer.net/Gstreamer_team_at_Guadec.jpg
[20:52] chillywilly (baumannd at left irc: bbl
[20:54] <hadess> wtay: wicked
[20:56] <hadess> you know what ? i had to buy toothbrush and everything back here
[20:56] <wtay> luckily that pic doesn't say who was pissed the night before :-)
[20:56] <hadess> forgot it in the bathroom :P
[20:56] <wtay> doh
[20:56] <ChiefHighwater> hehe
[20:57] <hadess> wtay: like "all the ones that have names on them" ?
[20:57] <wtay> :-)
[21:11] <hadess> wtay: can you try to /msg me ?
[21:12] <hadess> cool, i works, thanks
[21:12] <wtay> ?
[21:12] <hadess> use a separate window for /msg and /dialog
[21:58] Toastie (future at joined #gstreamer.
[21:59] <wtay> yo
[22:00] <Toastie> hey
[22:00] <Toastie> Corrected the FAQ a bit.
[22:01] <wtay> aha!
[22:01] Action: wtay tries to find the FAQ...
[22:01] <Toastie> on the Wiki
[22:02] <wtay> yeah, If I only knew what was in the FAQ before :-)
[22:02] <Toastie> I added a part about aRts
[22:03] <Toastie> It's a pity we're not innovating anything here, isn't it?
[22:03] <wtay> I noticed...
[22:03] <wtay> define innovate
[22:04] <Toastie> The infrastructure (aRts) exists, there were talks in KDE lists about writing C bindings -- and still, someone feels they need Gstreamer
[22:04] <hadess> Toastie: don't worry, this was _heavily_ talked about in guadec
[22:04] <wtay> aRts *is* different
[22:04] <Toastie> Maybe there should be some official page outlining the differences?
[22:05] <wtay> yeah, we talked a lot with stefan
[22:05] <wtay> good idea
[22:05] <dobey> heh
[22:05] <wtay> we are now actually integrating the two projects (arts in gst <-> gst in arts)
[22:05] <hadess> wtay: we even have photos of owen talking to stefan
[22:06] <wtay> yeah, we have proof
[22:06] <wtay> :-)
[22:06] <Toastie> Still, guys, what are the differences?
[22:06] <wtay> hmm
[22:07] <wtay> arts has no decent video support AFAIK
[22:07] <Toastie> What way do they support video?
[22:07] <wtay> it started as a synthesizer project and it is very good at that
[22:08] <wtay> Toastie: from what I heard, it is a hack
[22:08] <wtay> not sure though
[22:08] <wtay> I was too busy getting drunk :)
[22:08] <Toastie> So why not to extend aRts?
[22:08] <Toastie> how do you all guys get to Guadec?
[22:08] <hadess> http://gstreamer.net/guadec-pics/dscn0005.jpg <- found it !
[22:09] <wtay> Toastie: arts operates on a very low level (samples)
[22:09] <hadess> did richard commit the artsd plugin ?
[22:09] <wtay> yeah
[22:09] <hadess> coolness
[22:09] <wtay> we got it to wrok with the video player too
[22:09] <hadess> neat
[22:10] Action: dobey wonders if it works better on ppc yet
[22:10] <dobey> heh
[22:12] <hadess> no, not yet
[22:12] <hadess> but you can try the vlc client, it should work nicely
[22:13] <dobey> vlc?
[22:13] <dobey> can i play dvds on ppc with it?
[22:13] <hadess> i _think_
[22:14] <hadess> videolan.org
[22:14] <dobey> hrmm
[22:15] Action: hadess tries to remember what he put in the cvs password
[22:28] ChiefHighwater (paul at temple-baptist.com) left irc: Read error to ChiefHighwater[temple-baptist.com]: Connection reset by peer
[22:43] <dobey> hadess: sweet!
[22:44] ChiefHighwater (paul at temple-baptist.com) joined #gstreamer.
[22:46] Toastie (future at left #gstreamer (Client Exiting).
[22:55] <hadess> dobey: do you have rights to change the password ?
[22:55] <dobey> hadess: no
[22:55] <hadess> shite
[22:55] <dobey> that trplayer thing might be useful though, the irc channel isn't
[22:55] <hadess> i'm useless :/
[22:56] <dobey> heh, nah
[22:56] <hadess> dobey: the irc channel is empty, isn't it
[22:56] <dobey> yeah
[22:57] ajmitch (me at p20-max10.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gstreamer.
[22:57] <dobey> hrmm
[22:59] zaheer (zaheer at tnt-16-93.easynet.co.uk) joined #gstreamer.
[22:59] <zaheer> yo
[23:00] <zaheer> hadess: you made your flight? :)
[23:00] <dobey> oy
[23:00] <zaheer> yo dobey
[23:00] <ajmitch> hi zaheer
[23:00] <zaheer> dobey: ximian didnt sponsor you to come to guadec?
[23:00] <zaheer> hiya aj
[23:00] <dobey> i need widgets that don't suck
[23:00] <dobey> zaheer: i didn't have a passport, and didn't really want to go anyway
[23:01] <hadess> zaheer: yeah, just in time, i had to run, it was the other side of the airport
[23:01] <dobey> hehe
[23:01] <ajmitch> hmm, bonobo 1.0.0 released
[23:02] Action: ajmitch runs apt-get update
[23:02] <hadess> ajmitch: nope, 1.0.1 released dude =) you're so 3 hours ago
[23:02] <dobey> hmm
[23:02] <dobey> 1.0.1 released
[23:02] maYam (mayam at cable-195-162-214-190.upc.chello.be) joined #gstreamer.
[23:02] <maYam> hey hey hey
[23:02] <hadess> maYam: !
[23:02] <zaheer> yah bonobo released
[23:02] <maYam> dooood
[23:03] <hadess> mademoiselle =)
[23:03] <ajmitch> hadess: bugfixes already?
[23:03] <maYam> :D
[23:03] <hadess> ajmitch: POTFILES.in and something else...
[23:03] <zaheer> dobey: help them develop the "not sucking" widgets then
[23:03] <zaheer> maYam: yo :)
[23:03] <maYam> hey I didn't see all of you guys?
[23:03] <maYam> hey zaheer :)
[23:04] <dobey> zaheer: i need widgets that don't suck, for multimedia :-)
[23:04] <maYam> dobey's here!
[23:04] <dobey> yes
[23:04] <dobey> who are you?
[23:04] <maYam> hello i'm maYam
[23:04] <maYam> uhu
[23:04] <hadess> the sexy lady in the photos
[23:04] <zaheer> dobey: help develop them :)
[23:04] Action: hadess hides from wtay
[23:04] <maYam> i was just going to talk about that
[23:04] <zaheer> http://gstreamer.net/guadec-crew.jpg
[23:05] <maYam> i'd like to censor a couple of things ;)
[23:05] <maYam> wtay is playing the guitar
[23:05] <maYam> oh.. but he keeps logs
[23:05] <zaheer> and
[23:05] <zaheer> http://gstreamer.net/guadec-pics/
[23:05] <dobey> zaheer: heh, maybe, i have too much to do
[23:06] <maYam> right zaheer, let the man work!
[23:06] <zaheer> dobey: then dont moan and wait for developers to get them done
[23:06] <ajmitch> heh
[23:07] <dobey> zaheer: am i not a developer? do i not do these things?
[23:07] <hadess> this is sooo lame, the "valentine" movie is released one month after valentine's day...
[23:07] <dobey> hadess: heh, not here
[23:07] <maYam> v-movie?
[23:07] <zaheer> dobey: if you are a developer and you see somin that you want not done, you should get them done :P
[23:08] <hadess> dobey: yeah, that's what's lame, they don't even have to translate it you know
[23:08] <dobey> zaheer: i would, but i have too many other things to do, than to shave goats
[23:08] <dobey> hadess: heh, there were picketeers here
[23:08] <zaheer> dobey: well then you will have to wait
[23:08] <dobey> zaheer: so will the gstreamer control then, and i'll get other things done first :-)
[23:09] <hadess> dobey: http://gstreamer.net/guadec-pics/dscn4713.jpg
[23:09] Nick change: maYam -> maYam_around
[23:10] <dobey> hadess: and?
[23:10] <hadess> dobey: it wtay and maYam_around
[23:10] <dobey> oh
[23:10] <dobey> yeah
[23:10] Action: dobey agrees with hadess's earlier statement
[23:10] <wtay> :-)
[23:10] <hadess> wtay: dude !
[23:11] <wtay> dooode
[23:11] <maYam_around> i still think the close up might have been less close.
[23:11] <maYam_around> but well :)
[23:11] <ajmitch> hehe
[23:11] <ajmitch> hi wtay
[23:11] <wtay> yo ajmitch
[23:12] <hadess> maYam_around: before cropping, man, i hoped it would be in, darn
[23:12] <dobey> hrmm
[23:12] <dobey> lucky bastards
[23:13] <hadess> wtay: can you change the topic to http://gnome.wlug.westbo.se/guadec/ <- all the photos of guadec
[23:13] <wtay> sec
[23:13] <hadess> tigert's got his on-line
[23:13] <maYam_around> lol
[23:14] #gstreamer: mode change '+o wtay' by ChanServ!s at ChanServ
[23:14] Topic changed on #gstreamer by ChanServ!s at ChanServ: http://gnome.wlug.westbo.se/guadec/
[23:14] <hadess> http://tigert.gimp.org/photos/index.php3?galerie=Guadec2&snimek=23 <- muhaha
[23:15] #gstreamer: mode change '-o wtay' by wtay!wim at cable-195-162-214-190.upc.chello.be
[23:17] <hadess> dobey: http://tigert.gimp.org/photos/index.php3?galerie=Guadec2&snimek=77 <- do you know the guy on the bottom left hand-side ?
[23:17] <dobey> no
[23:17] <hadess> does matthias ettrich ring a bell to you ?
[23:18] <dobey> no
[23:18] <wtay> hehe
[23:18] <wtay> good
[23:18] <hadess> the founder of KDE =)
[23:18] <zaheer> :)
[23:18] <dobey> that would explain why then
[23:19] <wtay> hi zaheer!
[23:19] <zaheer> guadec advocated major interoperability with kde
[23:19] <hadess> http://tigert.gimp.org/photos/index.php3?galerie=Guadec2&snimek=88 <- BEEEEEEEER
[23:19] <zaheer> hiya wtay :)
[23:20] <hadess> http://tigert.gimp.org/photos/index.php3?galerie=Guadec2&snimek=117 <- this one is EVIL !
[23:20] <hadess> have you seen the gnu/sawfish theme =)
[23:20] <wtay> ?
[23:20] <dobey> screenshot of the crap?
[23:22] <dobey> any of you know of something to generate web page templates dynamically?
[23:22] <wtay> dobey: perl?
[23:22] <ajmitch> wtay: bah, use asm
[23:22] <hadess> wtay: http://cactus.rulez.org/files/rms.png
[23:22] <dobey> wtay: windows?
[23:23] <dobey> ok, he can die already
[23:23] <ajmitch> dobey: who?
[23:23] <dobey> whoever made that theme
[23:23] <wtay> lol
[23:23] <ajmitch> haha
[23:23] <dobey> i think i'm gonna get some doughnuts
[23:23] <ajmitch> that is one scary theme
[23:23] <hadess> cactuz did it
[23:24] <dobey> brb
[23:24] <maYam_around> lol hadess
[23:24] <maYam_around> i want it i want it now
[23:24] Action: zaheer smiles
[23:25] <hadess> maYam_around: http://cactus.rulez.org/files/sawfish-rms.tar.gz
[23:25] <hadess> he killed us
[23:25] Action: zaheer has had a really long day full of admin
[23:25] <wtay> maYam_around: <ctrl><alt><backspace>
[23:26] <maYam_around> grrr
[23:26] <maYam_around> why i don't deserve this.. *pouts*
[23:26] <zaheer> ummm wtay, why you suggesting that? :P
[23:28] <ajmitch> hehe
[23:29] <hadess> he didn't patch my program, he didn't patch my program !
[23:30] Action: zaheer has cleaned up his resampler
[23:30] Action: ajmitch has been lazy
[23:31] <hadess> "my foot will go so up in your ass, that my ass might actually be in your ass"
[23:31] <hadess> muhaha
[23:32] <maYam_around> damn hadess that was a fantastic theme you suggested there
[23:32] <maYam_around> smell the irony in that
[23:32] <wtay> pfffff
[23:32] <hadess> wtay: hehe
[23:33] <hadess> i'm actually trying not to fall off my chair
[23:33] Action: maYam_around wants to see a screenshot of hadess's desktop
[23:33] <maYam_around> that'd be cool
[23:33] <maYam_around> ok.. wtay is correcting me here
[23:34] <maYam_around> there should be plenty of them
[23:34] Nick change: maYam_around -> maYam
[23:34] <ajmitch> hehe
[23:34] <dobey> mmm
[23:34] <hadess> http://hadess.net/files/shots/
[23:35] <hadess> i added the transparency to the xchat window so you perverts can see the lady =)
[23:36] <zaheer> sh***
[23:36] Action: zaheer has got to go back to the office and debug why a machine is no longer pinging
[23:37] <dobey> nice, you have a background
[23:37] <maYam> later zaheer
[23:37] <ajmitch> bye all
[23:37] ajmitch (me at p20-max10.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: http://www.freedevelopers.net
[23:37] <maYam> hadess: they're quite acceptable :)
[23:37] Action: zaheer will be back in 20 mins
[23:37] <maYam> hmm.. did you do the bg-pics?
[23:38] <hadess> http://hadess.net/files/shots/10-4-2001.1.jpg
[23:38] Action: dobey looks for a bg-pic of maYam
[23:38] <maYam> i see.. 'acceptable' wasn't the word..
[23:39] <maYam> right dobey..
[23:39] <maYam> it'll cost you though
[23:39] <dobey> heh
[23:39] <dobey> how much?
[23:39] <maYam> $100/minute
[23:40] <dobey> so for 5 seconds for me to push a button is 1/12 of that
[23:40] <hadess> shouldn't take more than half a second to get a pic of you =)
[23:40] <dobey> cool
[23:40] <maYam> nah.. you have the red-eye close up.. if that isn't enough, i don't know ;)
[23:40] <dobey> i like red eyes
[23:40] <hadess> dobey: lol
[23:41] Action: wtay has better pics of maYam <grin>
[23:41] <dobey> wtay: so do i
[23:41] <dobey> hehe
[23:41] <wtay> dobey: no you don't :-)
[23:42] <dobey> that's not what she said
[23:42] <hadess> wtay: i'd ask you to share, but it wouldn't be too cricket
[23:42] <maYam> sheesh
[23:42] <dobey> heh
[23:42] <maYam> fortunately i'm not a feminist
[23:43] Action: dobey just trying to have some fun
[23:43] <dobey> <- depressed
[23:44] <dobey> heh, i'll be better saturday though :-)
[23:44] <maYam> poor dobey, i'll cheer you up : http://www.hadess.net/files/shots/06-08-2000.1.jpg
[23:44] <maYam> that playlist is something to laugh about ;)
[23:44] <dobey> bah
[23:44] <maYam> woops
[23:44] <dobey> that doesn't help
[23:45] <hadess> maYam: what !
[23:45] <maYam> lol
[23:45] <maYam> well hadess these things need to be said
[23:46] <dobey> http://zephyr.webhop.net/e-dobey.jpg <- now there's a laughing matter
[23:46] <wtay> maYam: MUSIC!!!
[23:47] <maYam> haha wtay doesn't have any speakers :p
[23:47] <wtay> maYam: LOUDER!!
[23:47] <wtay> dobey: that you?
[23:47] <dobey> wtay: unfortunately
[23:48] <wtay> dobey: Is that your car? :)
[23:48] <maYam> dobey: but that's omega, right?
[23:48] <dobey> wtay: no
[23:48] <dobey> http://zephyr.webhop.net/fiero/ <- that's my car :-)
[23:48] <dobey> mayam: that's me
[23:48] <maYam> omega's twin bro?
[23:48] <dobey> no
[23:49] <maYam> strange..
[23:49] <dobey> did i miss something?
[23:49] <wtay> woohoo!! : loaded 60 plugins with 80 elements and 10 types
[23:50] <hadess> wtay: wahoo, now you just have to make them work
[23:50] <maYam> lol hadess
[23:50] <wtay> hadess: grr
[23:50] <hadess> wtay: ok ok, make them work on x86 first =)
[23:50] <dobey> yeah, i think i missed something
[23:50] <wtay> let's just make 20 more
[23:51] <maYam> you did dobey
[23:51] <hadess> dobey: whispering her some words i don't want anybody to hear =)
[23:52] <dobey> hadess: heh, what?
[23:52] <hadess> wtay: you gonna have to edit the logs badly doooode
[23:52] <wtay> sigh again :-)
[23:52] <maYam> hoho you're pretty spicy on the net all of a sudden
[23:52] <maYam> wait until i see you next year
[23:52] <wtay> uh oh
[23:52] <dobey> hahaha
[23:52] <dobey> hey, she's hot
[23:53] <maYam> let's talk about anna first
[23:53] <wtay> hahahahahaaa
[23:53] <dobey> what about anna?
[23:53] <hadess> maYam: yeah, yeah
[23:53] <dobey> anna dirks?
[23:53] <maYam> i heard her speech wasn't all that ;)
[23:53] <wtay> the poor girl was crying...
[23:54] <hadess> wtay: EDIT THE LOGS !
[23:54] <maYam> rofl
[23:54] <dobey> aww
[23:54] <wtay> /msg _gst_newt_ kill yourself !!!
[23:54] <dobey> i guess that's why i haven't seen her
[23:54] <hadess> wtay: she wasn't crying, she didn't sleep the night before
[23:54] <dobey> did hadess do something?
[23:54] <hadess> dobey: no !
[23:54] <wtay> right
[23:55] <hadess> wtay: well, that's what she told me when i asked her how she was
[23:55] <maYam> that's just it: he didn't do anything!
[23:55] <hadess> maYam: she's not single...
[23:55] <maYam> sure.. like that matters ;)
[23:55] <dobey> you people are weird
[23:56] <maYam> i saw a nice close up from anna somewhere..
[23:57] <maYam> ofcourse you've probably seen it
[23:57] <hadess> maYam: they work in the same office...
[23:57] <dobey> heh
[23:58] <maYam> hmm that could be tricky..
[23:59] <maYam> and she lives far far away.. even trickier
[23:59] <dobey> no she doesn't
[23:59] <dobey> she lives right here :-P
[23:59] <maYam> ah..
[00:00] --- Wed Apr 11 2001
[00:00] <maYam> she's a colleague..?
[00:00] Action: dobey points at his ip
[00:00] <maYam> ssimian
[00:00] <maYam> heheh
[00:01] <maYam> now i know why this has to be edited
[00:01] <wtay> oooh ac4 is out :-)
[00:02] <dobey> because of all the references to you that contained innuendo?
[00:03] <maYam> i thought it was more explicit than that ;)
[00:03] <dobey> like "i'd like a desktop background of her" :-)
[00:03] <maYam> indd :)
[00:04] <dobey> and i would :-)
[00:04] <dobey> but that's pointless to say
[00:05] <dobey> because i know already that life sucks
[00:05] <maYam> yep dobey
[00:05] <dobey> see, you even said my life sucks too
[00:05] Action: dobey cries
[00:06] <maYam> a life that sucks is still a life
[00:06] Action: maYam is good at cheering up people
[00:06] <dobey> or not
[00:06] <wtay> lol
[00:06] <dobey> what good is life, if you never really live
[00:06] <wtay> life is so bad :)
[00:06] <wtay> s/is/isn't/
[00:07] <dobey> haha
[00:07] <dobey> yeah it is
[00:08] Action: maYam being optimistic for a change: what's a life anyway?
[00:08] <maYam> who needs it?
[00:08] <maYam> wtay doesn't..
[00:08] <wtay> uh? zzzZZzzz
[00:08] <dobey> he's got one
[00:09] <dobey> i need one
[00:09] <wtay> talking to your GF in IRC is hardly a life, is it? :-)
[00:09] <dobey> yes
[00:10] <dobey> better than not having a GF to talk to anywhere
[00:10] <maYam> but you can get cybersex anywhere if that's what you mean ;)
[00:10] <wtay> doh
[00:10] <dobey> you offering?
[00:11] <dobey> and no, that isn't what i mean
[00:11] <maYam> i don't think the gstreamer room is where you want to be
[00:11] <wtay> dobey: man, just get out and get a girl then..
[00:11] <dobey> see, you may be talking on irc
[00:11] <maYam> so what is it then?
[00:12] <dobey> but you're still in the same confining shelter
[00:12] <maYam> sheesh, i hope your not talking about social life
[00:12] <dobey> what else would i mean?
[00:12] <maYam> social life = no life at all
[00:12] <dobey> oh, man
[00:12] <dobey> really?
[00:12] <dobey> that must be why i'm so depressed then
[00:13] <maYam> but what the hell is so wrong with being depressed???
[00:13] <hadess> just received a mail from omega
[00:13] #gstreamer: mode change '+o wtay' by ChanServ!s at ChanServ
[00:13] <wtay> hadess: yeah, me too
[00:13] <dobey> if you call spending 100+ hours/week in the office, and call that a life, something is wrong
[00:13] <wtay> back on friday
[00:14] <dobey> depression != good
[00:14] <maYam> oh you work.. ok.. i totally understand.. you should consider suicide
[00:14] Topic changed on #gstreamer by ChanServ!s at ChanServ: visit doctor maYam here...
[00:14] <maYam> lol
[00:14] <ChiefHighwater> lol
[00:15] <dobey> would it surprise you if i said i have?
[00:15] <hadess> dobey: why don't you go home when you're done with your day ?
[00:15] #gstreamer: mode change '-o wtay' by wtay!wim at cable-195-162-214-190.upc.chello.be
[00:15] <maYam> yes
[00:15] <dobey> hadess: define "day"
[00:15] <dobey> mayam: well, i have
[00:15] <wtay> dobey: next time you come and drink a beer with us...
[00:15] <hadess> dobey: about 10h of work is a max
[00:15] <dobey> a belgian dip?
[00:16] <wtay> dobey: whatever, wherever
[00:16] Action: maYam gets out the statistics: 7 out of 10 people have considered suicide at least once in their lives
[00:16] <dobey> hadess: that's hard to do when you enjoy your work, and have no way to get home other than a cab
[00:16] <maYam> see?
[00:16] <dobey> cabs == evil
[00:16] <dobey> uhm
[00:16] <dobey> you said you would be surprised
[00:17] <dobey> and once != every other day
[00:17] <hadess> i wanna get a job at ximian, because i want to work on what i like during the day, and have a life after the day at work
[00:17] <maYam> lol
[00:17] <hadess> not to work 16h a day
[00:17] <wtay> yes
[00:17] <dobey> i wanna get a life after the day at work, so i have something to do other than work 16h days
[00:18] Action: dobey hopes hadess gets hired
[00:18] <ChiefHighwater> dobey:volunteer
[00:18] <dobey> not even
[00:18] <ChiefHighwater> you want asomething to do?
[00:19] <ChiefHighwater> sometyhing worthwhile, with meaning?
[00:19] <dobey> volunteer == work
[00:19] <maYam> a good day = getting up at 11am, start hacking/working at 1pm, taking a break every 2 hours, stopping at 6pm, enjoying good food and drink..
[00:19] <ChiefHighwater> nah...help out kids
[00:19] <dobey> yes, i wanna freely get laid every other day
[00:19] <ChiefHighwater> bah
[00:19] <ChiefHighwater> i thought you were serious
[00:20] <dobey> i am
[00:20] <dobey> i am not the same person as you
[00:20] <ChiefHighwater> really?!?
[00:20] <dobey> obviously
[00:20] <ChiefHighwater> hehe
[00:21] <dobey> this is why i don't go to church, or believe or practice in religion
[00:21] <ChiefHighwater> I didn't say go to church...be a big brother or read books at the library
[00:21] <dobey> pfft
[00:22] <dobey> see, i'm not that person
[00:22] <hadess> ChiefHighwater: dude, i really think you're from another world
[00:22] <dobey> because he is
[00:22] <hadess> dobey: btw, ChiefHighwater's a pastor =)
[00:22] <dobey> that one in "the good book"
[00:22] <wtay> dobey just needs to frequent a bar sometime...
[00:22] <hadess> yep
[00:22] <dobey> hadess: i know
[00:23] <dobey> bars are evil
[00:23] <hadess> why so ?
[00:23] Action: hadess likes bars
[00:23] <ChiefHighwater> i didnt say that
[00:23] <dobey> because they are full of drunks and smoke
[00:23] <maYam> i'm starting to see the problem here <<dobey> bars are evil>
[00:23] <hadess> dobey: oh, you don't like smoke...
[00:23] <wtay> dobey: what's so evil about that?
[00:24] <dobey> wtay: a) drunks b) smoke
[00:24] Action: hadess loves to be the drunk smoking =)
[00:24] <maYam> a life without bars is like a bar without beer
[00:24] <hadess> maYam: yah !
[00:24] <dobey> well, not being one that drinks
[00:25] <wtay> what about a karaoke bar?
[00:25] <maYam> rofl
[00:26] <dobey> oh yeah, that's even better
[00:26] <wtay> uhm
[00:26] <dobey> drunks that can't sing and think they can, and smoke
[00:26] <ChiefHighwater> that's what hadess needs, more karaoke
[00:26] <maYam> now we have singing smoking drunks
[00:26] <wtay> lemme just create a karaoke plugin then...
[00:26] <hadess> ChiefHighwater: if you were the one listening, you wouldn't say that
[00:26] Action: ChiefHighwater hides
[00:26] <ChiefHighwater> hehe
[00:26] <dobey> what hadess needs to do, is get is frenchy ass over here :-)
[00:27] <hadess> dobey: dude, i would go to smokey bars with drunk ppl, but i would protect you from the drunks (at most)
[00:27] Action: wtay sees hadess taking dobey to smokey bars where they drink and sing 'till the suns comes up...
[00:27] <maYam> hadess by staying away
[00:28] <dobey> i'm not worried about the drunks, bars are not a good place to look for women
[00:28] <hadess> maYam: for example =)
[00:28] <maYam> ;)
[00:28] <wtay> dobey: how would you know?
[00:28] <maYam> right, dobey.. hmmmmm????
[00:28] <hadess> dobey: it helps meet ppl, other guys that help you know the town better..
[00:28] <dobey> wtay: i went to a bar a couple weeks ago, guess how many women there were
[00:29] <ChiefHighwater> 2, both waiting tables
[00:29] SmirK (BOT at adsl-151-197-22-35.phila.adsl.bellatlantic.net) joined #gstreamer.
[00:29] SmirK (BOT at adsl-151-197-22-35.phila.adsl.bellatlantic.net) left #gstreamer.
[00:29] <wtay> dobey: you need to get in touch with some people one way or another
[00:29] <maYam> well what did you expect in a karaoke bar?
[00:29] <dobey> wtay: pref !bar
[00:29] <hadess> dobey: there are no women in my pub, but i talk to the guys, and we go over to another bar with girls
[00:29] <dobey> bah
[00:29] <dobey> i'm going to a rave saturday
[00:30] <maYam> hadess: the classic approach.. at least that's something..
[00:30] <wtay> usually a bar where you can dance has lots of girls
[00:30] <dobey> that's not a bar
[00:30] <dobey> heh
[00:30] <maYam> hadess: you should have been there the last night (where were you anyway?)
[00:30] <hadess> maYam: i drink (nearly) every day at the pub =)
[00:30] <dobey> like, bah, n/m
[00:31] <hadess> maYam: with bex, tigert and jimmac to a turkish restaurant and then we didn't see anybody
[00:31] <maYam> hmm.. we went to a creepy bar...
[00:31] <maYam> with weird women..
[00:31] <maYam> you'd have loved it!
[00:31] <wtay> oh yes
[00:31] <hadess> wtay: huh, are you gonna edit the logs so i can say the rest of the story ?
[02:39] _gst_newt_ joined #gstreamer.
[02:39] Nick change: wtay -> wtay-sleeping
[03:17] chillywilly (baumannd at d73.as0.nwbl0.wi.voyager.net) joined #gstreamer.
[03:21] Nick change: dobey-out -> dobey
[03:28] Action: chillywilly is away: doing some stupid shit that has to be done, *sigh*, all I really wanna do is hack...
[03:29] Nick change: chillywilly -> cwAWAY
[03:30] sienap (synap at ipc379c032.dial.wxs.nl) joined #gstreamer.
[03:30] sienap (synap at ipc379c032.dial.wxs.nl) left irc: sienap has no reason
[03:30] <dobey> ooh
[03:30] <dobey> hey get back here asshole
[03:30] <dobey> heh
[03:49] dobey (dobey at dreadnought.ximian.com) left irc: eh
[03:58] Nick change: taaz-away -> taaz
[06:22] Action: cwAWAY is back (gone 02:54:00)
[06:23] Nick change: cwAWAY -> chillywilly
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