[gst-devel] Daily IRC logs

wim.taymans at chello.be wim.taymans at chello.be
Thu Apr 19 06:27:34 CEST 2001

[06:31] omega_ (omega at omegacs.net) joined #gstreamer.
[06:32] <iGN_> Yo, omega_ :)
[06:32] <omega_> yo
[06:32] <iGN_> What's up?
[06:32] <omega_> trying to get the rest of rh7.1
[06:33] <iGN_> Eww. ;) RH70 was such a big fiasco that it was an easy task to convert the rest of the doubtful at the office to Debian/Progeny.
[06:33] <omega_> heh
[06:33] <iGN_> Hehe, we spent a full afternoon "debugging" stuff that turned out to be compiler-bugs.
[06:33] <omega_> whee
[06:34] <iGN_> The hot tip is to check the errata early, and check it often. But you already knew that :)
[06:34] Action: omega_ is just having trouble finding an FTP server that isn't fragged
[06:34] <omega_> yup <g>
[06:36] <omega_> what I want to know is: how friggin hard is it to write an FTP server that doesn't suck!?!?!
[06:36] <omega_> just connecting to these servers is a chore, let alone cd'ing and ls'ing to find stuff
[06:37] <omega_> they're not bandwidth-starved....
[06:37] <omega_> well, they are, but not that starved...
[06:43] <iGN_> I dunno.
[06:43] <iGN_> I haven't tried.
[06:43] <iGN_> Being how hard a time most people have, I'm not going to say that it's easy.
[06:44] <iGN_> I've said things like that before, and the "OK, show me" is always painful.
[06:44] <omega_> heh
[08:48] matth_ (matth at qwest.dsplinux.net) got netsplit.
[08:48] omega_ (omega at omegacs.net) got netsplit.
[08:49] matth_ (matth at qwest.dsplinux.net) returned to #gstreamer.
[08:49] omega_ (omega at omegacs.net) returned to #gstreamer.
[08:51] taazzzz (dlehn at left irc: Ping timeout for taazzzz[]
[08:53] taazzzz (dlehn at joined #gstreamer.
[09:16] taazzzz (dlehn at left irc: Ping timeout for taazzzz[]
[09:16] taazzzz (dlehn at joined #gstreamer.
[10:34] omega_ (omega at omegacs.net) left irc: Ping timeout for omega_[omegacs.net]
[10:54] sienap (synap at ipc379c0fa.dial.wxs.nl) joined #gstreamer.
[10:54] <sienap> hej all
[11:11] sienap (synap at ipc379c0fa.dial.wxs.nl) left irc: sienap has no reason
[11:41] matth_ (matth at qwest.dsplinux.net) got netsplit.
[11:42] matth_ (matth at qwest.dsplinux.net) returned to #gstreamer.
[12:20] matth_ (matth at qwest.dsplinux.net) got netsplit.
[12:21] matth_ (matth at qwest.dsplinux.net) returned to #gstreamer.
[12:22] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) joined #gstreamer.
[12:23] <thomas> names
[12:28] Action: thomas is away - Automatically set away. - messages will be saved.
[14:12] matth_ (matth at qwest.dsplinux.net) got netsplit.
[14:12] matth_ (matth at qwest.dsplinux.net) returned to #gstreamer.
[14:19] ajmitch (me at p33-max7.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gstreamer.
[14:21] Action: thomas wants the log to record that he's now getting a very nice sounding mix of an .ogg and an .mp3
[14:53] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) left irc: I'm outta here!
[14:53] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) joined #gstreamer.
[14:59] Action: thomas is away - Automatically set away. - messages will be saved.
[17:37] Scav (zaheer at zadesktop.mirage.co.uk) joined #gstreamer.
[17:38] <ajmitch> hi 
[17:39] <matth_> hey... (it's quiet in here)
[17:39] <ajmitch> hehe
[17:40] <ajmitch> i thought everyone else was asleep ;)
[17:40] <matth_> not me, though i'm not paying that much attention
[17:40] <matth_> ;-)
[17:41] <ajmitch> i'm just considering whether i should start doing some coding or go to bed ;)
[17:42] <Scav> yo
[17:43] Action: Scav was looking for hadess
[17:43] <Scav> or anyone that has or uses or has used a mac
[17:44] <ajmitch> i have used a mac (but not with a decent OS loaded)
[17:50] <Scav> i was wonderign about macintosh filesystems
[18:00] <ajmitch> dunno much, i only use them for uni when forced to ;)
[18:03] manbash (dsuela at 151-MADR-XL2.libre.retevision.es) joined #gstreamer.
[18:04] steveb (steveb at node1ee31.a2000.nl) joined #gstreamer.
[18:06] manbash (dsuela at 151-MADR-XL2.libre.retevision.es) left irc: Read error to manbash[151-MADR-XL2.libre.retevision.es]: Connection reset by peer
[18:10] Nick change: taazzzz -> taaz
[18:17] ajmitch (me at p33-max7.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout for ajmitch[p33-max7.dun.ihug.co.nz]
[18:18] matth_ (matth at qwest.dsplinux.net) got netsplit.
[18:18] iGN_ (ign at login1.simplemente.net) got netsplit.
[18:18] taaz (dlehn at got netsplit.
[18:18] iGN_ (ign at login1.simplemente.net) returned to #gstreamer.
[18:18] taaz (dlehn at returned to #gstreamer.
[18:18] matth_ (matth at qwest.dsplinux.net) returned to #gstreamer.
[18:18] ajmitch (me at p44-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz) joined #gstreamer.
[18:21] taaz (dlehn at left irc: Ping timeout for taaz[]
[18:21] taaz (dlehn at joined #gstreamer.
[18:49] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) left irc: Leaving
[18:56] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) joined #gstreamer.
[18:57] ChiefHighwater (paul at temple-baptist.com) joined #gstreamer.
[19:00] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) left irc: I'm outta here!
[19:01] hadess (hadess at pc213-gui2.cable.ntl.com) joined #gstreamer.
[19:05] <Scav> hadess!
[19:06] <hadess> Scav: dude !
[19:06] Action: Scav has seen the new titanium powerbook and wants one....
[19:06] <hadess> i want one as well :/
[19:07] <hadess> i want a laptop for short actually
[19:07] omega_ (omega at omegacs.net) joined #gstreamer.
[19:07] <Scav> hold a sec
[19:07] <Scav> yo omega
[19:07] <hadess> hey omega_
[19:08] <omega_> yo
[19:08] Nick change: wtay-zZz -> wtay
[19:08] <wtay> dudez
[19:08] <hadess> mate !
[19:09] Nick change: omega_ -> omega-breakfast
[19:10] Action: wtay is listening to an .ogg and .mp3 mixed with gstreamer
[19:11] <Scav> mixer?
[19:12] <wtay> yeah, adder in plugins/filers/added
[19:12] <wtay> s/added/adder
[19:12] <Scav> how was easter guys?
[19:12] <hadess> short
[19:12] <wtay> nice vacation
[19:13] <wtay> and yours?
[19:13] <Scav> hadess: mac illustrator 8, it reads eps files?
[19:13] <hadess> iirc yes
[19:13] <Scav> mine was good, 5 rounds of golf and frantic previking coding
[19:14] <wtay> Scav: what's the previking status now?
[19:14] <Scav> with some very heavy testing, we found a major bug
[19:14] <wtay> Scav: gstreamer related?
[19:15] <Scav> nope
[19:15] <Scav> i had to shelve my release till we have finished fixing the outstanding previking bug
[19:16] <omega-breakfast> ooh ooh ooh
[19:16] <Scav> unfortunately it has required a major architecture change...
[19:16] <wtay> ouch
[19:16] <omega-breakfast> dell sent me a hard drive and a carrier to replace the cracked carrier they didn't replace with my laptop
[19:16] <omega-breakfast> since they aren't capable of sending just the carrier
[19:17] <omega-breakfast> and guess what?
[19:17] <omega-breakfast> the carrier they shipped has a 20gb drive in it
[19:17] <omega-breakfast> I only have a 12gb drive
[19:17] <Scav> coool
[19:17] <wtay> cool
[19:17] <omega-breakfast> so guess what I'll be doing soon?  moving my files over <g>
[19:17] Action: Scav wonders if omega would donate the 12gb 2.5" hard disk to gstreamer development in london :)
[19:18] <omega-breakfast> have to return it to dell...
[19:18] <Scav> thats a pity
[19:18] <omega-breakfast> esp since their packing slip says 12gb on it
[19:18] <omega-breakfast> I'd hate to disappoint them by sending back a drive that doesn't match their packing slip <g>
[19:20] <wtay> hehe
[19:20] Action: omega-breakfast also has to disassemble his laptop to put the keyboard in correctly
[19:21] Action: Scav sends omega his 6gb hard disk if the 12gb hard disk is sent to him :)
[19:21] <wtay> what's the status with glib2.0?
[19:21] <omega-breakfast> n/c
[19:21] Action: Scav has glib1.3.x working on his machine
[19:21] <Scav> but i have found a great short term solution
[19:22] <Scav> to the gtk requirement
[19:22] <wtay> Xvfb?
[19:22] <omega-breakfast> xvfb?
[19:22] <Scav> nope
[19:22] <Scav> even better
[19:22] <wtay> export DISPLAY?
[19:22] <wtay> custom gtk version?
[19:22] <Scav> someone has produced a subset of GTK that is just the GTK object system
[19:22] <omega-breakfast> oh, where????
[19:22] <Scav> that is stable
[19:22] <wtay> aha
[19:23] Action: matth_ perks up
[19:23] <wtay> cool
[19:23] <Scav> hold a sec, i will find it
[19:23] <Scav> i have it on my hard disk
[19:27] <Scav> on my home hard disk
[19:27] <omega-breakfast> doh
[19:27] Action: Scav is on his laptop
[19:27] <Scav> im trawling to find it
[19:29] Nick change: omega-breakfast -> omega_
[19:32] <Scav> found it
[19:32] <Scav> http://gsk.sourceforge.net/
[19:33] <Scav> if you browse their cvs repos
[19:33] <Scav> theres a dir
[19:33] <wtay> hum
[19:34] <omega_> it's 500KB...
[19:34] <Scav> src/gtk
[19:35] <Scav> and that has the gtk subset
[19:35] <omega_> cool, we could copy that into a subdir in gst/ for now
[19:35] <Scav> yah exactly
[19:35] <Scav> and use the same autoconf directive they have used
[19:35] <wtay> cool
[19:36] <Scav> to merge it with gtk if wanted or to use the subset
[19:36] <Scav> and that would allow console use of gstreamer without kludges like xvfb
[19:36] <omega_> neat
[19:37] <Scav> i should have pointed it out earlier but i have been overwhelmed with this bug thrashing
[19:37] <omega_> ick
[19:37] Action: Scav crosses his fingers coz it seems fixed
[19:38] Action: Scav doesnt wanna know the diff size between previking 0.4.8 and CVS HEAD for previking 0.4 tree
[19:39] <Scav> however we have found a memory leak now as a result of these changes that needs to be ironed out
[19:39] <Scav> till I can go back to normal again :)
[19:41] <wtay> looks like they copied glib2.0...
[19:41] <wtay> or not completely
[19:41] <wtay> but the interfaces are there too
[19:41] <omega_> they are?
[19:42] <omega_> um...
[19:42] <omega_> src/gtk/, not src/
[19:42] <Scav> yah look in src/gtk
[19:42] <wtay> I was looking at src/
[19:43] <wtay> they even have their own xml parser...
[19:43] <omega_> sounds like glib2.0, sorta
[19:43] <omega_> but gsk seems more for 'servers'
[19:43] <Scav> gsk seems nice, but really its a bit more like a layer on top of glib
[19:44] <wtay> also has threadpools...
[19:44] <omega_> hmmm
[19:44] <wtay> looks like a pre glib2.0 clone
[19:44] <omega_> well, we'd just copy src/gtk/ into gst/gtk/ and patch it in
[19:44] <Scav> yah
[19:45] <wtay> yup
[19:45] <omega_> well, and fix it up to use libtool and other stuff
[19:47] Action: Scav is busily investigating the memory leak
[19:47] <wtay> we should take this opportunity to wrap them in gst_* macros/functions so we can prepare glib2.0 too
[19:48] <omega_> only the functions we already use by name
[19:48] <omega_> the rest is what gstobject.[ch] is for
[19:48] <wtay> yup
[19:49] <Scav> thankfully its not much of a memory leak
[19:49] <omega_> so wrap up any reference to GtkObject with our own macros
[19:49] <omega_> Scav: until you run it for a year solid ,g>
[19:49] Action: omega_ hands Scav the 20gb drive for swap
[19:49] <Scav> omega_: yah we have done 10,000 calls thru it, a megabyte extra ram is being used now
[19:49] <omega_> hmm
[19:50] <omega_> so 100bytes per call
[19:50] <omega_> zaheer quoted much larger numbers last weekend
[19:50] <Scav> yah
[19:50] <omega_> this 20gb driver is faster, too <g>  12ms instead of 13ms
[19:50] <Scav> but that was for different tests
[19:50] <omega_> and it's an IBM drive instead of a fujitsu
[19:51] <omega_> ok
[19:51] <Scav> this is after all the calls are released
[19:51] <Scav> it has increased by a meg after 10,000 calls were started and completed
[19:52] <omega_> and a 2MB buffer to a 512KB buffer
[19:52] <omega_> Scav: hmm
[19:53] <wtay> it's not a mmap issue again, is it?
[19:53] <Scav> its definitely some stuff that hasnt been freed
[19:54] <wtay> ok
[19:56] <omega_> btw, either tomorrow or Friday I'll be going back to OGI again to do a libdv and hopefully 1394src plugin for gst
[19:56] <Scav> cool
[19:56] <wtay> yes!
[19:56] <Scav> 1394src
[19:56] Action: wtay has to get a firewire card then
[19:56] <omega_> 1394sink can't happen yet because the driver isn't capable of it
[19:56] <Scav> is what I want for another project
[19:56] <omega_> heh
[19:57] <wtay> back in 40 minutes...
[19:57] Nick change: wtay -> wtay-away
[19:57] <Scav> i have a situation where we want to do the following for some talks at the mosque:
[19:58] <Scav> from digital video want the video and audio teed to an mpeg2 encoder to a disksrc and to a sink that can be used by realencoder and netshow's encoder
[19:58] matth_ (matth at qwest.dsplinux.net) got netsplit.
[19:58] ajmitch (me at p44-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz) got netsplit.
[19:58] hadess (hadess at pc213-gui2.cable.ntl.com) got netsplit.
[19:58] iGN_ (ign at login1.simplemente.net) got netsplit.
[19:58] steveb (steveb at node1ee31.a2000.nl) got netsplit.
[19:58] ChiefHighwater (paul at temple-baptist.com) got netsplit.
[19:58] <omega_> hmmm
[19:58] <omega_> oops
[19:58] <Scav> to be sent from the mosque to our office
[19:58] <omega_> convergence.de was using vlc to do that at GUADEC, but only to mpeg2 streaming
[19:58] <omega_> but from a bt848 analog card ;-(
[19:59] steveb (steveb at node1ee31.a2000.nl) returned to #gstreamer.
[19:59] <Scav> i have absolutely no experience with real and video
[19:59] Action: omega_ envisions df going from 28MB to 8028MB free on /
[19:59] <Scav> what kinda input will its encoder take from?
[19:59] <omega_> which encoder?
[19:59] iGN_ (ign at login1.simplemente.net) returned to #gstreamer.
[19:59] matth_ (matth at qwest.dsplinux.net) returned to #gstreamer.
[19:59] ajmitch (me at p44-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz) returned to #gstreamer.
[19:59] hadess (hadess at pc213-gui2.cable.ntl.com) returned to #gstreamer.
[19:59] ChiefHighwater (paul at temple-baptist.com) returned to #gstreamer.
[19:59] <Scav> realencoder
[19:59] <omega_> dunno
[20:02] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) joined #gstreamer.
[20:02] <thomas> hi everyone
[20:02] <omega_> yo
[20:03] <thomas> omega: what should be the right file extension for an mpeg video ?
[20:04] <thomas> I tried playing one but it used mad
[20:04] <omega_> um...
[20:04] <thomas> it was .mpeg and .mpg
[20:04] <omega_> yeah
[20:04] <omega_> if the autoplugger used mad, then something's wrong with either the file or the typefind function
[20:04] <thomas> hmmm... I just downloaded some sample movie.  I wanted to test if it would mix that as well...
[20:05] <omega_> do a `file` of it
[20:05] <thomas> I have some issues with the startup of gstreamer... If I use buffers ...
[20:05] <thomas> ... can I make the mix start later but have a more constant output ?
[20:05] <thomas> ... esd seems  to not do too well priority wise...
[20:06] <thomas> ... so the start is a bit dodgy.  I can't tell if it's my fault or my machine's
[20:06] <omega_> eh?
[20:06] <omega_> esd causes major headaches as far as latency
[20:06] <thomas> well... during startup, there's so much going on ...
[20:06] <thomas> ah ok... I'll try with oss again then.
[20:06] <thomas> but would buffers help here ?
[20:06] <omega_> all sound servers suck in that regard
[20:06] <omega_> not really
[20:07] <omega_> depends on whether you're getting mangled audio or not
[20:07] <thomas> no, I think it's just a bit patchy at the start
[20:07] <hadess> i have an issue on my own
[20:07] <thomas> if you have the time you should try it out and see how it sounds for you...
[20:07] <hadess> will it be possible to speed up the startup of gstreamer ?
[20:07] <omega_> hadess: how long does it take?
[20:07] <thomas> I tried oss today but it didn't work, strangely enough
[20:08] <Scav> doesnt take long to startup here
[20:08] <hadess> omega_: a couple of seconds
[20:08] <thomas> omega_: ok, file sample.mp gives : sample.mpg: MPEG system stream data
[20:08] <omega_> do you run -register?
[20:08] <hadess> yep
[20:08] <omega_> thomas: hmmm
[20:08] <omega_> hadess: then I really have no idea what would take that long
[20:10] <hadess> that might be the way i compile it...
[20:10] <thomas> if you delete some of the plugins, will it run faster ?
[20:10] <omega_> not if you have a registry
[20:11] <Scav> aaaargh!!!
[20:11] <omega_> Scav: don't have a cow.. <g>
[20:11] Action: Scav has realised solaris is stupid
[20:11] <omega_> well...
[20:11] <omega_> Duh!
[20:11] <Scav> i have realised we dont have a memory leak :P
[20:11] <omega_> mu
[20:12] <Scav> it just has scheduled garbage collection
[20:12] <omega_> doh
[20:12] <Scav> and it has now reclaimed the memory :P
[20:12] <Scav> from previking
[20:12] <omega_> doh
[20:13] Action: omega_ has lost 70% of his battery's charge in 1hr5min
[20:13] <Scav> eewww
[20:13] Action: omega_ is not happy
[20:13] Action: Scav suggests plugging into oregon's electricity system :)
[20:13] <omega_> um, sure <G>
[20:15] Action: omega_ is trying to patch in minigtk
[20:15] Action: thomas is away - Automatically set away. - messages will be saved.
[20:16] matth_ (matth at qwest.dsplinux.net) got netsplit.
[20:16] ajmitch (me at p44-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz) got netsplit.
[20:16] hadess (hadess at pc213-gui2.cable.ntl.com) got netsplit.
[20:16] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) got netsplit.
[20:16] iGN_ (ign at login1.simplemente.net) got netsplit.
[20:16] iGN_ (ign at login1.simplemente.net) returned to #gstreamer.
[20:16] matth_ (matth at qwest.dsplinux.net) returned to #gstreamer.
[20:16] ajmitch (me at p44-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz) returned to #gstreamer.
[20:16] hadess (hadess at pc213-gui2.cable.ntl.com) returned to #gstreamer.
[20:16] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) returned to #gstreamer.
[20:16] <Scav> -lilo- [GlobalNotice] Hi all.  You will notice some intentional splits and joins as we test the new hubbing.  Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for using OPN!
[20:16] <Scav> :)
[20:18] ChiefHighwater (paul at temple-baptist.com) got netsplit.
[20:18] ChiefHighwater (paul at temple-baptist.com) returned to #gstreamer.
[20:19] <omega_> Scav: have you tried minigtk yet?
[20:19] <Scav> nope
[20:19] <omega_> ok, we'll see how well it works
[20:19] <omega_> compiling OK so far
[20:19] <Scav> i have compiled gsk
[20:19] <Scav> on my home machine
[20:19] <Scav> using the mini gtk
[20:19] <omega_> but I have a feeling it's getting headers from /usr/include in preference to the minigtk dir
[20:19] <omega_> so I may have to do some tricks
[20:19] <Scav> :)
[20:20] <omega_> only three files include gtk*.h, so that should be trivially solvable <g>
[20:20] taaz (dlehn at got netsplit.
[20:21] taaz (dlehn at returned to #gstreamer.
[20:21] Ow3n (owen at ti34a80-0979.bb.online.no) joined #gstreamer.
[20:21] <omega_> yo
[20:21] <Ow3n> Hi.
[20:22] <Ow3n> How's it going?
[20:22] <Scav> hiya fraser
[20:22] <omega_> Ow3n: there were some discussion about sound servers on one of the gtk lists
[20:22] <omega_> I'll fwd you the two bits that referred to gstreamer
[20:22] <Ow3n> Cheers.
[20:22] <Scav> cool, how was the ride back with erik?
[20:22] <Ow3n> Are you still in Norwy?
[20:22] <omega_> me? no
[20:22] <omega_> did you find the Ximian monkeys?
[20:23] <omega_> that I left in the car ;-(
[20:23] <Ow3n> I noticed a couple lying on the back seat. I guess someone else picked them up......
[20:23] <omega_> hmmm
[20:24] Action: omega_ wants them back some day <g>
[20:24] <Ow3n> Maybe the next person to rent the car gets the reminants of dogs and monkeys <G>
[20:24] <omega_> hmmmm
[20:24] <Ow3n> I just got back from skiing on Monday so I havn't had much of a chance to do any hacking :(
[20:25] fons (fons at urgent.rug.ac.be) joined #gstreamer.
[20:25] <omega_> heh
[20:25] <omega_> yo
[20:25] <fons> thomas, 't eten is ver gereed
[20:25] <Ow3n> Except for this evening but I'm still gluing together bonobo boiler plate code.
[20:25] <fons> drinkte gij water of cola?
[20:25] <thomas> fons: coming down... fruitsap !
[20:25] <thomas> see you guys
[20:25] <omega_> someone (rdj) has managed to do a bonobo-media player already <g>
[20:25] <omega_> thomas: l8r
[20:25] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) left irc: I'm outta here!
[20:25] fons (fons at urgent.rug.ac.be) left irc: fons
[20:25] <Ow3n> The bonobo-media in CVS?
[20:26] <Scav> omega_: using gstreamer?
[20:26] <omega_> yup
[20:26] <Ow3n> Cool. Where is it?
[20:26] <omega_> rdj: ping?
[20:26] <Ow3n> Ah, right. I j didn't notice the (rdj)
[20:26] <omega_> Ow3n: what's your email addr?
[20:26] <omega_> (to fwd the mail in questio)
[20:26] <Ow3n> owen at discobabe.net
[20:27] <omega_> sent
[20:27] <Ow3n> I can hear my mail server disk clicking away...
[20:27] <omega_> there's a lot more to that thread, you should check the archives
[20:27] <omega_> the gist of it is that a lot of people aren't pleased with artsd either
[20:28] <Ow3n> Hmmm... Interesting...
[20:28] <omega_> 40 msgs in thread
[20:29] <Scav> brb
[20:29] <omega_> I just sent you the thread contents, since it's on gnome-haackers and I dunno if that's archived
[20:30] Action: Ow3n is hunting through the archives now
[20:30] Action: Ow3n is having trouble finding the archives though :(
[20:30] <omega_> see your mail
[20:31] Action: omega_ hasn't read the thread yet
[20:31] <Ow3n> Wehay. Thanks.
[20:32] Ow3n (owen at ti34a80-0979.bb.online.no) got netsplit.
[20:33] Ow3n (owen at ti34a80-0979.bb.online.no) returned to #gstreamer.
[20:33] Nick change: wtay-away -> wtay
[20:33] <wtay> yo
[20:33] <Ow3n> Hi.
[20:33] <hadess> yo Ow3n
[20:34] <Ow3n> yo.
[20:34] <Ow3n> Did you all get back OK from GUADEC?
[20:34] <wtay> hadess: gstreamer slow at startup with the XML registry in place?
[20:34] <wtay> Ow3n: yeah
[20:34] <omega_> yup
[20:35] <omega_> though I'm still very much in the wrong timezone
[20:35] <wtay> CSL (C is hell) 0.1.1 released
[20:35] <omega_> huh?
[20:36] Action: omega_ needs to fix his keyboard soon, the upper left corner is sticking up at least 5mm from where it should be
[20:36] <hadess> yep
[20:36] <hadess> gotta run
[20:37] Nick change: hadess -> hds-foot
[20:37] <Ow3n> Damn. I've got to go again. My girlfriend just got home and I've got to cook dinner :(
[20:37] <omega_> oops
[20:38] <omega_> cya
[20:38] <Ow3n> Cya. I'll drop by again tomorrow so we can catch up then.
[20:38] Ow3n (owen at ti34a80-0979.bb.online.no) left #gstreamer.
[20:40] ChiefHighwater (paul at temple-baptist.com) left irc: Read error to ChiefHighwater[temple-baptist.com]: Connection reset by peer
[20:40] ChiefHighwater (paul at temple-baptist.com) joined #gstreamer.
[20:40] Action: omega_ stares in wonder: http://mindstorms.lego.com/members/galleryimage.asp?image=72bae2eca6ec50375ba001a93e6787fcimage2.jpg
[20:41] <ChiefHighwater> hehe
[20:41] <omega_> "Woah" - Neo
[20:42] <wtay> very cool
[20:42] Action: wtay could solve the cube in less then 1 minute when he was young :)
[20:42] <omega_> um
[20:43] <omega_> somehow I think this one takes longer
[20:43] <wtay> heh, I was just wondering about that
[20:45] <omega_> 15-25 moves from the solver, each move probably takes up to a minute
[20:45] <omega_> http://mindstorms.lego.com/members/gallery.asp?userid=72bae2eca6ec50375ba001a93e6787fc#CubeSolver
[20:47] <wtay> ah yes, lubricants are definatly needed..
[20:51] <omega_> the problem with minigtk is that it has the same namespace as gtk
[20:51] <omega_> which causes serious problems when you're using *real* gtk too
[20:52] <wtay> not when it has the same features I guess
[20:52] <omega_> hrm
[21:00] <omega_> I'm renaming to mgtk*
[21:03] <wtay> yeah
[21:04] <omega_> and then the joy of fixing up all the gtk reference in gst
[21:05] <omega_> I'll do a half job for now, shimming gtk to mgtk
[21:05] <omega_> er...
[21:05] <omega_> no, that won't work
[21:05] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) joined #gstreamer.
[21:05] <wtay> yo
[21:05] <thomas> hi again
[21:06] <wtay> omega_: you'll need macros
[21:06] <omega_> yup
[21:06] <omega_> and we need to change some stuff
[21:06] <wtay> bleck
[21:06] <omega_> we almost need a branch to do this right
[21:06] <wtay> hmm, that dangerous?
[21:06] <omega_> pervasive, yes
[21:07] <thomas> is it possible to do something like : request pad, connect, start playing, sleep 5 seconds, request second pad, connect to already playing bin ?
[21:08] <omega_> that's what incsched is all about
[21:08] <wtay> thomas: I doubt it..
[21:09] <thomas> and what would happen if I disconnect one of the two pads while playing ?
[21:09] <thomas> because the problem I have is not with the eos, it's that an eos causes the pull not to work and gstreamer hangs, taking all the CPU
[21:09] <omega_> you'd have to PAUSE, at least
[21:09] <thomas> well... If I add a buffer after the mixer, a pause wouldn't hurt right ?
[21:09] <thomas> as long as it's short enough
[21:10] <omega_> right
[21:10] <omega_> um, still fuzzy on the pipeline structure..
[21:10] <thomas> omega_: how so ?
[21:10] <wtay> ?
[21:10] <thomas> btw are you forced to use threads when you use buffers ?
[21:11] <omega_> queues?
[21:11] <omega_> currently, yes
[21:11] <wtay> I'd recomend to use threads in your setup to avoid hicups..
[21:11] <omega_> ok, back to original question: request pad from what?
[21:11] <thomas> omega_: from the adder plugin...
[21:12] <thomas> I create a disksrc->volenv bin with a ghost pad...
[21:12] <omega_> ok, then yes you can do that with incsched
[21:12] <thomas> then connect the ghost pad to the requested pad from the adder
[21:12] <thomas> now I'd like to request the second pad a while after the first
[21:12] <thomas> and disconnect pads when the disksrc is eos
[21:12] <omega_> i.e. do a dj mixer app
[21:12] <thomas> yes, basically...
[21:12] <thomas> but computer-controlled, no human interaction
[21:12] <thomas> though that would be possible as well
[21:13] <omega_> that's our major test app, since it stresses a lot of the in-development features
[21:13] <wtay> adder is cothreaded so it'll fail without incsched
[21:13] <thomas> omega_: what is the major test app ? You have something like that already ?
[21:13] <omega_> no
[21:13] <omega_> that concept
[21:14] <thomas> wtay: why is it cothreaded ? and what causes it to fail then ?
[21:14] <omega_> if you write one, that will be a very useful testcase
[21:14] <thomas> omega_: ah ok.  but it's not under development right now ?
[21:14] Action: Scav is back
[21:14] <thomas> omega_: well, that's the goal.  feed the mixer an xml script, containing the input files and envelopes and describing the ways of output
[21:14] <wtay> thomas: cothread setup is currently done only on NULL->READY state transition
[21:14] <thomas> then feed it to the mixer
[21:14] <Scav> solaris now reports less utilisation of previking than before the heavy testing :P
[21:15] <thomas> wtay: so you mean for the adder to work that way, I would have to set input streams to NULL instead of PAUSE...
[21:15] <omega_> Scav: probably cleaned up some stuff used in libc init or somesuch
[21:15] <thomas> ... which would probably be a bad thing
[21:15] <omega_> thomas: no
[21:15] <omega_> what he's saying is that you can't do this right now, incsched has to be merged first
[21:15] <thomas> ah ok... then I'll have to wait for that.
[21:15] <wtay> thomas: going back to NULL will stop all (reset the disksrc to offset 0 and such) which is bad
[21:16] <thomas> wtay: what if you know where it was and can rewind to that position ?
[21:16] <omega_> wtay: actually, can you do the branch that abstracts out from gtk ?
[21:16] <wtay> thomas: thats ugly
[21:16] <wtay> omega_: what do you mean?
[21:16] <thomas> wtay: I know.  but I'll take whatever works.  I have to prove that gstreamer is the right platform to do it;
[21:16] <thomas> ;)
[21:17] <omega_> the goal is to convert gstreamer over to as close to the glib 2.0 API as possible, and write shims to use minigtk or gtk
[21:17] <omega_> there are a lot of symbols that really shouldn't have GST_* #defines
[21:17] <wtay> omega_: you want me to try it ?
[21:17] <omega_> like GTK_RUN_LAST
[21:17] <omega_> so I'd rather go straight to G_RUN_LAST or whatever it is, and have the shims
[21:18] <omega_> I should be working on incsched....
[21:18] <wtay> thomas: use threads, it'll work with the current scheduler
[21:18] <omega_> wtay: howso?
[21:18] <omega_> he still has to connect up the queue to the adder thread, which requires incsched
[21:19] <wtay> omega_: hmm ok, true
[21:19] <thomas> is it too soon to ask what incsched is all about ?
[21:19] <wtay> the new pad is not a src pad...
[21:20] <wtay> thomas: incremental scheduling as opposed to the static one we currently have
[21:20] <omega_> hmm, I just had a 2sec startup of a gst program
[21:20] <thomas> hmmmm... here's another way I could get it to work...
[21:20] <omega_> but subsequent is fast
[21:20] <wtay> thomas: we currently setup the scheduler when going from NULL->READY and never touch it after that
[21:21] <thomas> wtay: I'll wait until you've explained incsched to me ;)
[21:21] <wtay> thomas: the incremental scheduler will calculate the scheduling whenever a new element/pad/bin is added to the pipeline
[21:21] <wtay> omega_: too slow?
[21:22] <omega_> wtay: yeah, it was bringing in all the stuff from disk, lots of it
[21:22] Action: Scav wonders if hadess has realised man utd are losing 1-0 to bayern munich (and now need to score 2 to get through)
[21:22] <omega_> probably because everythig has debug symbols and everything
[21:22] <thomas> not to seem too dense, but what does the scheduler do right now ?
[21:23] <wtay> thomas: set up pointers and cothread wrappers around each element/pad
[21:24] <thomas> wtay: ok... can I throw something at you that I think might work now as well ?
[21:24] <wtay> thomas: not really my field of expertise :)
[21:24] <wtay> thomas: ok
[21:24] <thomas> wtay: no, but i mean from an internal gstreamer perspective
[21:25] <hds-foot> Scav: sod off
[21:25] <thomas> wtay: the problem right now is the on-demand requesting of pads and connecting them
[21:25] <wtay> omega_: did it load all the plugins?
[21:25] <omega_> no
[21:25] <thomas> so if I create a few bins, as much as needed max...
[21:25] <thomas> ... and change the input plugins (the disksrc) to keep feeding data as necessary
[21:25] dobey (dobey at joined #gstreamer.
[21:25] <thomas> ... with an on/off toggle in the adder input channel...
[21:25] <thomas> ... that should work.
[21:26] <thomas> since the output samples are zero-allocated anyway...
[21:26] <wtay> thomas: only if you can avoid a pull from the added somehow
[21:26] <omega_> yeah, create a static pipeline with plugin-specific on/off switches
[21:26] <wtay> thomas: have a arg in the added somewhere to disable a pad and it'll work
[21:26] <wtay> s/added/adder
[21:26] <Scav> hadess: its 2-0 i see now :P
[21:27] <dobey> la la
[21:27] <hds-foot> Scav: S.O.D. O.F.F.
[21:27] Action: Scav smiles.....i actually want man utd to go thru :P
[21:27] <omega_> hds-foot: what does that stand for??
[21:27] <omega_> hds-foot: or do I want to know?
[21:27] <dobey> hehe
[21:27] <dobey> hey hadess
[21:28] <wtay> yo dobey
[21:28] <hds-foot> hi dobey
[21:28] <dobey> yo
[21:28] Action: Scav wonders if hadess is wearing his cantona shirt tonight
[21:28] <hds-foot> i'm wearing my manu shirt actually
[21:29] <Scav> aah ok
[21:29] <Scav> are man utd wearing the red home kit or their away kit?
[21:29] Uraeus (cschalle at c224s9h5.upc.chello.no) joined #gstreamer.
[21:30] <Scav> hiya christian
[21:30] <omega_> yo
[21:30] <wtay> hi
[21:30] <Uraeus> hi
[21:30] <omega_> Uraeus: do you have my Ximian monkeys?
[21:30] <hds-foot> Scav: away white kit
[21:30] <Scav> omega_: you want me to send you my spare one?
[21:30] <hds-foot> hey Uraeus
[21:30] <dobey> haha
[21:30] <dobey> monkey!
[21:30] <omega_> Scav: no, I just want to make sure they're still around, and I can get them eventually <g>
[21:31] <omega_> at GUADEC 3 if nothing else
[21:31] <dobey> sigh
[21:31] Action: Scav wonders what omega did with the monkey he undressed on the sunday night
[21:31] <omega_> um
[21:31] <hds-foot> omega_: zoophil
[21:31] Action: thomas is away - Automatically set away. - messages will be saved.
[21:32] Action: omega_ decided that the t-shirt was way way way too small for me to wear, and put it back on the monkey
[21:32] <dobey> hah
[21:32] <omega_> besides, they gave me one the night before at the party
[21:32] <omega_> of the right size....
[21:32] Action: Scav thinks of using his monkey as a dartboard :)
[21:32] <omega_> pretty small target
[21:33] <Scav> i dont drink so my acvcuracy is pretty high :)
[21:33] Uraeus (cschalle at c224s9h5.upc.chello.no) left irc: Ping timeout for Uraeus[c224s9h5.upc.chello.no]
[21:33] <omega_> hmm, true
[21:33] <Scav> pity about my spelling
[21:33] <wtay> hehe
[21:33] <hds-foot> dobey: neither martha nor peter called me :/
[21:33] Action: wtay has his monkey on top of his monitor
[21:34] Action: omega_ has a large collection of 'things' on top of his monitors: penguin, penguin, several other birds, a troll, a gargoyle...
[21:34] <wtay> cool
[21:34] Uraeus (cschalle at c224s9h5.upc.chello.no) joined #gstreamer.
[21:34] <dobey> troll == gem in belly button?
[21:34] <Scav> wb uraeus
[21:34] <Uraeus> crappy cable modem shit
[21:34] Action: wtay doesn't have a penguin :(
[21:35] <Uraeus> omega_: yes I have you penguins
[21:35] <omega_> Uraeus: you missed the discussion about Ximian monkeys
[21:35] <wtay> Uraeus: uhm, not here...
[21:35] <Uraeus> err...monkeys
[21:35] <omega_> paengions?
[21:35] <omega_> er, paenguins?
[21:35] <Uraeus> omega_: mail me your snail mail adress and I send them to you
[21:35] <Scav> wtay: i have loads...collected from linuxworld
[21:35] <omega_> too bad that doesn't extrapolate to maonkeys
[21:35] <Scav> Uraeus: London Zoo, London, United Kingdom
[21:36] <Uraeus> hehe
[21:36] <omega_> Uraeus: not that critical.... we can find some cheaper way to transfer them, at GUADEC 3 if all else fails
[21:36] matth_ (matth at qwest.dsplinux.net) left irc: Read error to matth_[qwest.dsplinux.net]: EOF from client
[21:37] <Scav> organise a GST-CONF just to transfer monkeys :)
[21:37] <wtay> Uraeus: put it in a bottle and throw it in the sea :)
[21:38] <omega_> um
[21:38] <Uraeus> heh, anyway new developments on my quest for a gf, my horse riding girl still doesn't want to go out with me, but her girlfriend thinks she should :)
[21:38] <Scav> previking running 120 channels takes less RAM than emacs with one source file :P
[21:38] <wtay> Uraeus: heheeh
[21:38] <dobey> Uraeus: you suck :-)
[21:38] <hds-foot> Uraeus: stalk her !
[21:39] <wtay> Scav: lol
[21:39] <Uraeus> dobey: I know :)
[21:39] <hds-foot> tomorrow i'm asking the new cutey receptionist out
[21:39] <hds-foot> back to the game
[21:39] <wtay> hds-foot: yes!
[21:39] <hds-foot> bbl
[21:39] <Uraeus> hds-foot: hope you have better luck than me
[21:39] <Scav> hadess: good luck...3 goals needed
[21:39] <hds-foot> Scav: i know, i know, but they can do it =)
[21:40] <Scav> Uraeus: plenty of fish to fry, i mean in the sea :P
[21:40] <Uraeus> Scav: true, but when you want a seahorse you get kinda disapointed when you get a salmon
[21:41] <wtay> Uraeus: uhm :)
[21:41] <Scav> salmon...eeww
[21:42] <Scav> plenty of real fish :)
[21:42] <wtay> Uraeus: like in X weights more than Y?
[21:43] <steveb> Scav: what did you think of this? http://www.vovida.org/
[21:43] <Scav> Uraeus: sea horses dont taste that good anyway, salmon though dont look too good, actually taste not so bad :)
[21:43] <Scav> steveb: i know the vovida guys well
[21:43] Uraeus (cschalle at c224s9h5.upc.chello.no) left irc: Ping timeout for Uraeus[c224s9h5.upc.chello.no]
[21:43] <hds-foot> Scav: and here comes 1 !
[21:44] <Scav> I have seen the protocols they have put up there, however only recently they have released their softswitch
[21:44] <Scav> hadess: is it 2-1?
[21:44] <steveb> Scav: how would it work with your stuff
[21:44] <steveb> ?
[21:45] <Scav> steveb: we have a SIP driver in the works, so it "should" integrate very well with PreVikinh
[21:45] <steveb> cool
[21:46] <Scav> but they could probably use OpenTeleMedia very easily in Vocal, for things like music on hold servers and text2speech and speech recognition servers
[21:46] <Scav> ryan giggs just scored....2 more goals needed
[21:47] ajmitch (me at p44-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz) left irc: Ping timeout for ajmitch[p44-max6.dun.ihug.co.nz]
[21:51] <thomas> wtay: if you have the time, could you try the mixer and see if the startup noise I get is really latency or something else entirely ?
[21:51] <Scav> bonobo 1.0.2 released already...
[21:51] <thomas> wtay: also, if I change the output to osssink, the audio is completely screwed
[21:52] <thomas> wtay: don't know why
[21:52] <wtay> thomas: ok, will do that soon
[21:53] <thomas> btw: does anyone know if there's a printable manual of glib ? I only find html based ones
[21:53] <omega_> glib 2.0 ?
[21:53] <thomas> whatever... just something to get me started
[21:54] <omega_> I haven't seen one, but it should be possible to generate it from the tarball
[21:54] <Scav> should be able to generate a pdf from the src ta
[21:54] <Scav> ta=tar
[22:00] <omega_> er...
[22:00] <omega_> when building with --enable-profiling...
[22:00] <omega_> I get a segfault in gststatusautoplug.so
[22:00] <wtay> hum
[22:01] <omega_> um, stack trace is not useful
[22:01] <Scav> that's a nice situation to have :)
[22:01] <omega_> sf0 is ??, sf1 is plugin_load_absolute
[22:03] Action: omega_ will try removing -O from the cmdline during profiling
[22:03] <wtay> it extends from GtkObject...
[22:03] Action: omega_ is on incsched1
[22:04] <wtay> oh
[22:04] <omega_> no change but -pg
[22:05] <omega_> removing -o6 fixed it
[22:05] <wtay> hmm I see a problem
[22:05] <wtay> hmm, no I dont..
[22:06] <wtay> so -O6 makes it crash on plugin_init?
[22:06] <omega_> yup
[22:06] <omega_> or somewhere
[22:06] Action: omega_ thinks it's an ld.so problem
[22:07] <wtay> probably, plugin_init doesn't do a lot..
[22:08] <thomas> wtay: what extension should an mpeg video have for the autoplug to work ?
[22:08] <omega_> extension should be irrelevant, typefind should do the work
[22:08] <thomas> wtay: it doesn't work when used in either the mixer or helloworld since it tries the mad decoder
[22:08] <taaz> heh... cool, sf using viewcvs now.  has the neato annotated code view so we know who last touched what source lines
[22:09] <wtay> thomas: so?
[22:09] <wtay> thomas: the mad decoder works for mpeg system streams too
[22:10] <thomas> wtay: oh... well it didn't.  I'll check why.
[22:10] Action: dobey waits for something that can play stuff on ppc good that doesn't suck
[22:10] <wtay> thomas: it wont work with mpeg system streams 'cause the demuxer dynamically creates pads...
[22:10] matth (matth at qwest.dsplinux.net) joined #gstreamer.
[22:10] Nick change: matth -> matth_
[22:10] <taaz> wtay: i'm confused by that buffer pool update to mpeg2dec plugin
[22:11] <wtay> taaz: ?
[22:11] <taaz> wtay: is it supposed to get rid of the mem allocation too?
[22:11] <wtay> taaz: well, it only works for RGB images...
[22:11] <wtay> taaz: not always, only when a bufferpool can be obtained from the peer plugin
[22:12] <taaz> that code is always going to do the g_new()
[22:12] <taaz> which is the evil part
[22:12] <thomas> wtay: here's the errors I get :
[22:12] <thomas> ***** GStreamer ERROR ***** in file gstscheduler.c at gst_bin_schedule_func:431
[22:12] <thomas> Element: /bin/pipeline/autoplug_bin/mad.sink
[22:12] <thomas> Error: peer is null!
[22:12] <wtay> thomas: exactly
[22:12] <thomas> wtay: how so ?
[22:13] <wtay> thomas: the mpeg system demuxer creates dynamic pads, so mad isn't connected 
[22:13] <thomas> ah ok... so you need the autoplug renderer then ?
[22:13] <wtay> thomas: incsched
[22:14] <thomas> wtay: it's starting to sound like god ;)
[22:14] <wtay> taaz: line 240 in gstmpeg2dec.c is crucial
[22:14] <wtay> thomas: it is :)
[22:14] <thomas> wtay: I'll wait for it then...
[22:14] <thomas> omega_: i'll try not to bother you too much with beginner's question so you can get it finished ;)
[22:14] <omega_> hehe
[22:15] <wtay> thomas: ask me :)
[22:15] <thomas> wtay: I don't know what to ask anymore ;)
[22:16] <thomas> wtay: or maybe this... is copying an element like disksrc about the same kind of work as copying a plugin ?
[22:16] <taaz> wtay: line 288 gets the buffer but 300+303 will alloc new memory for that buffer anyway.  that seems like the expensive part
[22:16] steveb (steveb at node1ee31.a2000.nl) left irc: [x]chat
[22:16] <wtay> taaz: oops :)
[22:16] <wtay> thomas: define copying?
[22:17] <thomas> well... cheating by looking at it.
[22:17] <thomas> like I did for passhtrough based on stereo2mono
[22:17] <wtay> thomas: oh ok, yeah
[22:17] <wtay> taaz: that's a bug :)
[22:17] <taaz> wtay: heh.. ok.
[22:18] <wtay> taaz: hmm, that might explain why it didn't work :)
[22:18] <wtay> doh
[22:18] <thomas> wtay: the helloworld2 not working, is that something I could fix ?
[22:19] <taaz> i haven't had a chance to even try the code... was just looking at a diff to see what you changed and got confused
[22:19] <wtay> thomas: yes, it's very similar to what you did
[22:19] <dobey> la la la
[22:19] <thomas> wtay: but with threads ?
[22:20] <wtay> thomas: you decide :)
[22:20] <thomas> wtay: I'll save it for tomorrow.  get some decent sleep tonight first.
[22:20] <wtay> thomas: tests/autoplug3.c has the code
[22:20] <wtay> thomas: together with you typefind code
[22:21] <wtay> taaz: I'm trying to fix it now
[22:21] <thomas> wtay: the typefind isn't mine, I copied it from autoplug
[22:22] <taaz> by the way... what is the best way to check for performance gains?  ie, killing off sync to do timing or whatever
[22:22] Nick change: omega_ -> omega-lunch
[22:22] <wtay> taaz: yeah
[22:25] <thomas> wtay: is someone working on a filter factory ?
[22:25] <thomas> wtay: and should it be in c
[22:25] <wtay> thomas: no idea... omega-lunch?
[22:27] <omega-lunch> no one is working on one right now, afaik
[22:27] <omega-lunch> but please please post any specific ideas on syntax to hte list
[22:27] <wtay> omega-lunch: any idea how it will work?
[22:28] <omega-lunch> cpp gone mad
[22:28] <wtay> hehe, right
[22:28] <wtay> taaz: yes!
[22:29] <taaz> ?
[22:29] <wtay> taaz: now it works very fast
[22:29] <taaz> excellent!
[22:29] <wtay> taaz: retrying with Xv images
[22:30] <hds-foot> F.U.C.K
[22:30] Nick change: hds-foot -> hadess
[22:30] <dobey> heh
[22:31] <hadess> any german approaching near me will fear my anger
[22:31] <dobey> hahah
[22:32] Action: dobey sends hadess to #kde
[22:32] <hadess> second fucking year in a fucking row
[22:32] Action: omega-lunch watches hadess having a cow
[22:33] <thomas> wtay: if you have time, mail me how the mixer works for you.
[22:33] <thomas> wtay: i'm off now.
[22:33] <Scav> hadess: you lost?
[22:33] <wtay> thomas: I tried it, it works
[22:33] <omega-lunch> thomas: l8r
[22:33] <wtay> cya
[22:33] Action: Scav is wearing michael schumacher's cap.....
[22:33] <hadess> Scav: that was very very tense at the end
[22:33] <thomas> wtay: ok thanks... no problems with latency ? clean audio ?
[22:34] <wtay> thomas: not realy
[22:34] <thomas> wtay: ok, that's good.
[22:34] <thomas> later...
[22:34] thomas (thomas at urgent.rug.ac.be) left irc: I'm outta here!
[22:34] <Scav> hadess: well thats life, now you can concentrate on winning the premiership (oh whoops, i forgot man utd have already done that)
[22:35] <Scav> hows it feel to see leeds and liverpool in semi finals of european competition and man utd not?
[22:35] <omega-lunch> Scav: be nice now...
[22:36] matth_ (matth at qwest.dsplinux.net) left irc: Read error to matth_[qwest.dsplinux.net]: EOF from client
[22:37] <Scav> omega-lunch: yah well man utd are the best team in the country and have been for the last 8 years....so they can handle the flak :P
[22:40] matth (matth at qwest.dsplinux.net) joined #gstreamer.
[22:40] Nick change: matth -> matth_
[22:40] <omega-lunch> yo
[22:42] <matth_> howdy... just rebuilt my kernel a few times (got 2.4.3, tempting the ide dma gods)...
[22:42] <matth_> how did that gtk object replacement work out?
[22:42] <omega-lunch> other problems still
[22:42] <matth_> ?
[22:43] <omega-lunch> need to do the same think to patch that in that we need to do for glib2
[22:43] <omega-lunch> need to fix up gst to use the new glib2 api, and shim in the minigtk stuff
[22:43] <matth_> how different is glib2?  where are the differences?
[22:43] <wtay> brb
[22:44] <omega-lunch> the API is similar, so it shouldn't be a problem, at least for the parts of it that we use
[22:44] <omega-lunch> but I don't want to go overboard setting up GST_* macros for all the random junk in gobject, like the marshallers and such
[22:44] <omega-lunch> that'd be insane
[22:46] <matth_> hmm... i thought the minigtk and glib2 approaches were mutually exclusive
[22:46] <matth_> ?
[22:46] <omega-lunch> not really
[22:46] <omega-lunch> the gtk and minigtk api are the same
[22:46] <matth_> yup
[22:46] <omega-lunch> this has other problems when you actually want to use the real gtk as well
[22:46] <matth_> yup
[22:46] <omega-lunch> massive symbol conflicts
[22:46] <omega-lunch> so I changed to mgtk
[22:47] <omega-lunch> but then I still have to shim the gst usage over to mgtk
[22:47] <omega-lunch> I'd rather shim it over to g_object_ and shim minigtk into that namespace
[22:47] <omega-lunch> then we can build on gtk, minigtk, or glib2
[22:47] <matth_> ahh
[22:47] <omega-lunch> because for what we do with it, there isn't much difference except namespace between gtkobject and gobject
[22:47] <omega-lunch> afaict
[22:48] <matth_> in next version of gtk (that uses glib2) will gnome change gtk_object to gobject?
[22:48] <omega-lunch> yes
[22:48] <matth_> for regular gtk stuff?
[22:48] <omega-lunch> afaik
[22:49] <omega-lunch> actually, no
[22:49] <matth_> then won't you face the same namespace problem?
[22:49] <omega-lunch> they're keeping gtkobject as a shim, like our gstobject
[22:49] <matth_> ahh...
[22:49] <matth_> then we should be okay
[22:49] <matth_> just have to do it
[22:50] <matth_> :-)
[22:50] <omega-lunch> yup
[22:50] <omega-lunch> not too hard either
[22:50] <matth_> yup
[22:50] <omega-lunch> just look at glib2, port to it, and make sure that gtk can still be shimmed in
[22:51] <matth_> should be able to since that's what gnome is doing
[22:52] <omega-lunch> they're not shimming, afaik
[22:52] <matth_> ?  what did you mean when you said "they're keeping gtkobject as a shim"?
[22:53] maYam_bath (mayam at cable-195-162-214-190.upc.chello.be) joined #gstreamer.
[22:53] <omega-lunch> just like gstobject is a small layer on top of gtkobject, gtkobject in gtk2 will be a thin layer over gobject
[22:54] <maYam_bath> hello
[22:54] <ChiefHighwater> ello
[22:54] <omega-lunch> yo
[22:54] <maYam_bath> :)
[22:54] Nick change: maYam_bath -> maYam
[22:54] Action: omega-lunch hands maYam a towel..
[22:54] <ChiefHighwater> was begining to wonder about your waterproof keyboard
[22:54] <omega-lunch> hehe
[22:55] <maYam> thanks omega, but i skipped the bath :)
[22:55] <maYam> *everyone run!*
[22:55] <omega-lunch> heh
[22:56] <wtay> yo maYam
[22:56] Nick change: omega-lunch -> omega_
[22:56] <maYam> ChiefHighwater: yes, baths are hell..  you can do absolutely everything sitting at your comp, except for taking a bath..
[22:56] Action: dobey hands mayam some non-evil
[22:56] <maYam> they should invent something for that
[22:56] <wtay> woohoo! XvImages in a bufferpool!
[22:56] <maYam> dobey, my loving friend!
[22:56] <maYam> hey wtay ;)
[22:57] <omega_> matth_: called voice recognition..
[22:57] <omega_> er, maYam: called voice recognition
[22:57] <omega_> <grumble> stupid completion
[22:57] <maYam> omega_: ofcourse!  tisk..
[22:57] <dobey> haha
[22:57] <omega_> bash completion won't complete unless the prefix is unique, xchat completes the first match. stupid.
[22:58] <maYam> good old lernout and hauspie ;)
[22:58] Action: omega_ search his brain for that reference....
[22:58] <omega_> EAGAIN
[22:59] Action: dobey gives mayam a hug
[22:59] <wtay> a belgian voice recognition company that is on the verge of bankrupsy :à
[22:59] <omega_> ah
[23:00] <maYam> dobey: you sure you wanna do that?  i skipped my bath, you now ;)
[23:00] <wtay> bought by M$
[23:00] <maYam> but thanks anyway :)
[23:00] <dobey> heh
[23:01] <wtay> hmm 50% CPU usage on the THV vob...
[23:01] <omega_> compared to.. ?
[23:01] <wtay> s/THV/THX
[23:01] <wtay> omega_: sec..
[23:02] <wtay> 55%
[23:02] <wtay> bah
[23:02] <omega_> that's actually a 10% decrease
[23:03] <omega_> or 9.1111%
[23:03] <wtay> omega_: hmm I need better a better measurement to be sure...
[23:03] <omega_> init 1
[23:03] <omega_> <g>
[23:04] <wtay> heh
[23:04] Action: omega_ needs to put this new drive in asap
[23:04] Action: omega_ has 60MB free, needs the extra 8gb
[23:04] <taaz> you need to kill off any sync and check the time to decode X number of frames
[23:04] <omega_> it's not decode, it's transfer to X and display
[23:04] <omega_> but yes, kill sync
[23:05] <wtay> I'm not really using a Xv Pool either...
[23:05] <wtay> I create/destory them for now..
[23:06] <wtay> let's try a real pool
[23:21] <omega_> taaz: is walken around?
[23:23] <wtay> down to 30% but awfull images...
[23:23] <omega_> 30% what?
[23:23] <wtay> CPU usage with a real pool of xvimages
[23:24] <omega_> ooo
[23:24] <wtay> but it looks like crap
[23:24] <omega_> how would that make a difference?
[23:24] <wtay> somehow the images are mixed up...
[23:24] <omega_> oh, are you using the pools as mpeg reference images too?
[23:24] <omega_> xv might not want to cooperate there
[23:25] <wtay> not sure...
[23:25] <wtay> I hand mpeg2dec 3 XvImages
[23:25] <omega_> xv might not keep those three distinct
[23:25] <wtay> but my first attempt did work
[23:26] <wtay> that was when I created a new Xv image every time and destroyed it when it was rendered
[23:26] <omega_> yup
[23:27] <wtay> oh, stupid me
[23:27] <omega_> eh?
[23:27] <wtay> I insert the XvImage in front of the GSlist
[23:27] <omega_> which?
[23:27] <wtay> and I take a new Xvimage from the front
[23:27] <omega_> oh
[23:27] Action: omega_ hands wtay a clue <g>
[23:28] Action: wtay grabs the BPB
[23:29] <wtay> wow, 30% perfect
[23:29] <omega_> 85% speedup!
[23:29] Action: omega_ bows before wtay
[23:30] <wtay> just one memcpy and a few xvimage allocs !
[23:30] <omega_> told ya
[23:30] <wtay> about the same as gvlc now
[23:30] <omega_> gvlc ?
[23:30] <omega_> ah, right
[23:31] <wtay> wow, I'm amazed
[23:31] Action: omega_ knows the power of the cache
[23:31] <wtay> yeah
[23:32] <wtay> this also means the bufferpool concept works
[23:32] <omega_> cool!
[23:32] <wtay> although the API sucks :)
[23:32] <omega_> hmm
[23:32] <omega_> don't forget to include a timestamp in a buffer request API
[23:32] <wtay> I only get the destroy callback *after* the buffer has been destroyed
[23:33] <omega_> oops
[23:33] <wtay> no way to store the complete buffer
[23:33] <wtay> oh well, easy fix
[23:33] <hadess> gone for bed
[23:33] <hadess> cya all
[23:33] <wtay> cya
[23:33] <maYam> bye hadess
[23:33] <hadess> hello, and good bye maYam
[23:34] hadess (hadess at pc213-gui2.cable.ntl.com) left irc: sleep
[23:34] Action: wtay thanks taaz for pointing him to an obvious bug
[23:40] <Scav> i am off home now
[23:40] <Scav> cya guys
[23:40] <wtay> cya Scav
[23:40] <Scav> had enough of previking coding for one day :)
[23:41] Scav (zaheer at zadesktop.mirage.co.uk) left irc: off
[23:43] <dobey> omega: mayam thinks we are related or something :/
[23:44] <omega_> howso?
[23:44] <wtay> yuv2rgb_mmx at 65% CPU
[23:44] <omega_> ouch
[23:44] Action: omega_ is actually hacking on libcodec right now to clean up a few issues, maybe I can get yuv to not suck
[23:45] Action: ChiefHighwater thinks that osunds like a good idea
[23:45] <wtay> compared to 90% CPU without bufpools
[23:45] <omega_> dobey: I see what she means
[23:45] <omega_> modulo the car <g>
[23:46] <dobey> heh
[23:47] <wtay> maYam hates cars :)
[23:48] <omega_> wtay: hrm, ya think maybe she sabotaged your car to get you to fly to GUADEC? <g>
[23:48] <wtay> omega_: oh yes :)
[23:48] <omega_> "wtay, I hear something, the car sounds funny, let's turn back and fly instead" - maYam
[23:49] <dobey> heh
[23:49] <wtay> almost.. :)
[23:49] <taaz> omega_: walken is not around now... he doesnt show up often anymore.  vmware ate him.
[23:50] <omega_> taaz: suck
[23:50] <taaz> i'm sure he will respond to email though
[23:57] <wtay> any links to gtk/arts/gstreamer discussions on mailing lists?
[23:58] <omega_> nope
[23:58] Action: omega_ has used 44 of his 200 CD-R's so far
[23:59] <ChiefHighwater> 42 for pics off of his coolpix camera 8-]
[23:59] <omega_> not quite
[23:59] <omega_> though I need to burn another ASAP before I need to burn 2
[23:59] <ChiefHighwater> hehe
[00:00] --- Thu Apr 19 2001
[00:01] <dobey> heh
[00:14] <omega_> on /., some 'indrema vetrans' are supposedly creating TuxBox, which is supposed to be what Indrema was supposed to be
[00:14] <omega_> we should contact them and get them interested in GStreamer
[00:15] <wtay> what does it do?
[00:15] <omega_> indrema's gaming console?
[00:16] Action: wtay is reading the gnome-hackers mailing list about sounds servers
[00:16] <wtay> ah a gaming console
[00:16] <omega_> indrema was one of the founders of that ill-fated and dead open media framework thingie
[00:16] <wtay> oh
[00:17] <wtay> never heard of it..
[00:17] <dobey> hrh
[00:17] <omega_> hrm, doesn't surprise me <g>
[00:18] <omega_> doh
[00:18] <omega_> er, wrong window
[00:28] Action: omega_ listens to the 2-house distant sounds of an Indian Pow-wow
[00:36] <ChiefHighwater> hrmm...if they offer, don't smokem peace pipe
[00:36] <omega_> I'll keep that in mind <g>
[00:37] Action: omega_ is an idiot
[00:39] Action: wtay is falling asleep..
[00:45] <wtay> I'm going to sleep.. cya all
[00:46] <omega_> ok, l8r
[00:46] Nick change: wtay -> wtay-sleeping
[00:56] Action: taaz wants to go home an play with faster mpeg2dec plugin...
[00:56] <omega_> hehehe
[00:57] <taaz> i really need to put some time into this oms thing
[00:58] <omega_> oms/gstreamer thing?
[00:58] <taaz> i would be amused (and not that suprised) if it would be faster using gstreamer than what oms does now
[00:58] <taaz> yup
[00:58] <taaz> there is some scary buffer locking crap in there now
[00:59] <omega_> yeah
[00:59] <taaz> and no sync
[00:59] <taaz> any idea on how to deal with QoS issues?
[00:59] <omega_> well, /me thinks mpeg2dec needs a rev'd API
[00:59] <taaz> heh... talk to mr walken
[00:59] <omega_> yeah, but it seems that mr walken is, um, distracted
[00:59] <taaz> or better yet, accompany your suggestions with a patch
[01:00] <omega_> yeah, well, it needs discussion
[01:01] <omega_> libdv, mad, and mpeg2dec (and hopefully my own libmpeg, and ac3dec) need to all kinda have the same style of API, IMO
[01:02] <taaz> yup.  let us know when you're done ok? ;)
[01:02] <omega_> heh
[01:03] <taaz> ac3dec has lots of issues... cvs code has some hacked together floating point stuff.  we're not sure how good it is, but its faster than the old int version, but that version may be just fine if someone put the time into some optimization
[01:03] <omega_> someone has to understand ac3....
[01:03] <taaz> walken was going to take over ac3dec but hasn't gotten around to it yet
[01:03] <omega_> is Aaron still maintaining it?
[01:03] <taaz> aaron is mia
[01:04] <omega_> ah, and walken is sorta mia too
[01:04] <taaz> i need to email him... i might want to crash on aarons floor during OLS ;)
[01:04] <omega_> doh
[01:04] <omega_> when is ols?
[01:04] <taaz> end of july i think...
[01:04] <omega_> ok, plenty of time
[01:07] sienap (synap at ipc379c22d.dial.wxs.nl) joined #gstreamer.
[01:08] <sienap> hi all
[01:08] <sienap> Good evening or do i have to say morning Doctor maYam
[01:09] <taaz> what evil person decided that there had to be 'int' and 'long' and no standard on their size?
[01:09] <omega_> K&R
[01:09] Action: taaz throws a rock at K&R
[01:09] <omega_> Subject: Gnome-aRts-0.1.1 Release
[01:09] Action: omega_ needs to get that arts plugin working...
[01:10] <sienap> wtay asleep maYam idle.. i know  anough..
[01:10] <taaz> omega_ needs to get incsched working ;)
[01:10] <omega_> yeah, yea
[01:13] Action: taaz thinks gstreamer should be a part of tuxbox
[01:14] <omega_> yes
[01:22] sienap (synap at ipc379c22d.dial.wxs.nl) left irc: BOe
[01:22] <dobey> oh
[01:22] <dobey> damn
[01:26] <taaz> omega_: are you poluting the source tree with C++?
[01:26] Action: omega_ hides
[01:27] <taaz> now you're going to have to add C++ checks to configure.in and mask off that dir if you don't have it...
[01:27] <omega_> I already did
[01:27] <omega_> and it doesn't build automatically yet anyway
[01:28] <omega_> am searching for how to make it depend on presence of c++
[01:29] <omega_> is it just me or is the gnome help browser a joke?
[01:30] Action: dobey wonders where ajmitch is
[01:30] <dobey> what's wrong with ghb?
[01:30] <omega_> ghb?
[01:31] <omega_> it's pathetic
[01:31] <dobey> why?
[01:31] <dobey> <- has a particular interest
[01:31] <omega_> navigation is substandard, you can't search for any text
[01:31] <omega_> etc.
[01:32] <dobey> oh
[01:33] <taaz> what are you looking for?
[01:34] Action: omega_ wants to search through autoconf macros for cxx or cplusplus
[01:34] <dobey> he wants something like the window help browser or something
[01:34] <omega_> but /me thinks he has what he needs
[01:34] <omega_> not exactly
[01:34] <dobey> heh
[01:34] Action: dobey hides
[01:34] <taaz> "info autoconf"
[01:34] <omega_> yeah, but I hate info
[01:34] <taaz> oh poor baby
[01:35] <dobey> info:autoconf
[01:35] <dobey> heh
[01:35] <omega_> hrm, AC_CHECK_LIB of a C++ lib
[01:35] <omega_> what kind of symbol do I give it??
[01:36] <omega_> I think I found a Cish symbol I can use
[01:39] <taaz> i'm confused.. you just trying to check if c++ is found?
[01:39] <omega_> yes
[01:39] <taaz> http://crib.lehn.org:8080/cgi-bin/info2www?(/usr/share/info/autoconf.info.gz)Particular+Programs
[01:39] <taaz> AC_PROG_CXX docs may help
[01:39] <omega_> yes, but it does not make it obvious what the result of that macro is
[01:40] <omega_> afaict, either CXX is defined or it's not
[01:41] <taaz> hmm.. i dunno.  i'd just look at some c++ project and see what it does
[01:41] <taaz> though i guess that's different
[01:41] <omega_> some c++ project will *assume* there's a c++ compiler
[01:42] <taaz> actually... what i'd do is not use c++ ;)
[01:42] <omega_> no choice if we want to get an arts plugin
[01:42] <taaz> maybe if you ask nicely they will convert arts to C
[01:42] <omega_> hah
[01:42] dobey (dobey at left #gstreamer (eh).
[01:42] <omega_> too bad you were't at guadec
[01:43] <omega_> you could have asked him yourself <g>
[01:43] <taaz> i think not... i just chose to not use such things.  damnit why don't people use Objective-C?
[01:43] <omega_> http://gstreamer.net/guadec-pics/dscn0005.jpg
[01:44] Action: omega_ needs to suggest a few things to stw to make using arts outside of arts not suck
[01:44] <omega_> i.e. he puts headers in /usr/include/arts/*
[01:45] <omega_> such as arts/artsflow.h
[01:45] <omega_> then in his code refers to them as <artsflow.h>
[01:45] <omega_> that requires you have -I/usr/include/arts on your cmdline
[01:45] <omega_> which is wrong
[01:45] <omega_> the code should refer to <arts/artsflow.h>
[01:46] <omega_> grr, and AC_CHECK_LIB doesn't understand c++
[01:46] <taaz> AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS is what you're supposed to use...
[01:46] <omega_> yeah, and AC_LANG_RESTORE
[01:46] <omega_> just found it
[01:47] <omega_> why is there cxx and cplusplus???
[01:47] <taaz> to provide more confirmation that c++ sucks
[01:47] <omega_> good point
[01:47] CHW (paul at temple-baptist.com) joined #gstreamer.
[01:47] ChiefHighwater (paul at temple-baptist.com) left irc: Read error to ChiefHighwater[temple-baptist.com]: Connection reset by peer
[01:48] Action: omega_ is going to put an rm -f config.cache at the top of autogen.sh
[01:58] taaz_ (dlehn at joined #gstreamer.
[01:58] <omega_> um
[01:58] taaz (dlehn at left irc: Ping timeout for taaz[]
[01:59] <omega_> hrm, two in a row
[01:59] Nick change: taaz_ -> taaz
[02:02] <taaz> ok, i don't need to knwo how seeking is going, but is it easy to jump around in streams?  i'm not sure how to do that.  its something that needs to be done for OMS assimilation
[02:03] <omega_> right now you simply provide a new offset to the disksrc.  eventually you'll tell an element that you want to seek to time offset X
[02:03] <taaz> um.. its more complex than that isnt it?
[02:04] <omega_> from the apps point of view? no.
[02:04] <taaz> well... i guess i don't know enough about dvd format
[02:04] <omega_> dvd makes it somewhat easier, because you the navigation code knows what the byte offset is already....
[02:04] <taaz> it does?
[02:04] <omega_> oh yeah..
[02:05] <omega_> that's that the TMT (iirc) is for
[02:05] <taaz> well, i'll leave details like that for someone else ;)
[02:05] <omega_> a table that gives you typically every 4 seconds as a sector offset
[02:05] <omega_> sector == 2048b
[02:05] <taaz> hmm... that's convienient
[02:05] <omega_> fairly, yes
[02:06] <taaz> ok, well, for now oms doesnt do anything like that
[02:06] <omega_> oh?
[02:06] <taaz> but it does know how to jump chapters
[02:06] <omega_> ah, well, that's trivial
[02:07] <taaz> um... ok.  you say you just adjust offsets and poof?
[02:08] <omega_> yup
[02:08] <omega_> next buffer from dvdsrc comes from there
[02:08] <omega_> so the event system isn't necessary for DVD playback, strictly
[02:08] <taaz> ok, i'll work with that
[02:09] <taaz> of course i'll try and be fancy and autoplug the whole thing ;)
[02:10] <omega_> you should regardless, because that ensures that newer/better decoders get used
[02:10] <taaz> i was thinking of just doing it all static for first pass
[02:10] <omega_> I would too
[02:11] <taaz> some of the oms internals are scary though.  may be easier just to dump everything possible
[02:11] <omega_> the only bits of oms that are relevant are the GUI and the navigation code
[02:11] Action: taaz needs to set aside a day to work on this stuff...
[02:11] <omega_> you can trivially dump everything else
[02:11] <taaz> heh.. and the gui is crap imho ;)  
[02:12] <omega_> well, yeah, but so are *most* GUIs
[02:12] <taaz> yeah, and guess what?  i complain about every one of them ;)
[02:12] <omega_> yes, you do.
[02:13] <taaz> any ideas on how user input from videosink will work?
[02:13] <omega_> huh?
[02:13] <taaz> mouse clicks, key presses, etc
[02:13] <omega_> hmm
[02:13] <omega_> interesting problem
[02:14] <omega_> ask wtay, he's more aware of those iss
[02:14] <omega_> issues
[02:14] <taaz> i did ask... i can't recall what the answer was
[02:16] <omega_> wow, configure.in is at 1.136
[02:21] <taaz> how do version numbers get to 2.x?
[02:21] <omega_> they don't, afaik
[02:21] <taaz> then what's the point?
[02:21] <omega_> besides, they're revision numbers, not version numbers
[02:21] <omega_> no clue
[02:22] <taaz> yeah i know... but why bother with the 1. if its always that way?
[02:22] <omega_> it's an rcs thing
[02:22] Action: taaz should rtfm
[02:22] <omega_> man rcs
[02:22] <taaz> hmm... just looked at the autoplug test code... it looks too easy
[02:23] <omega_> it is easy
[02:23] <omega_> gst_autoplug_file("/dev/dvd") in the best case (needs a decss source that can read udf)
[02:24] <taaz> "OMS 2.0 highlights: using gstreamer, added an additional -100,000 lines of code"
[02:24] <omega_> hehehe
[02:24] <omega_> oms 0.2 you mean?
[02:24] <taaz> whatever
[02:25] <taaz> yeah... i guess 0.2 is more appropriate
[02:25] <taaz> 1.0 shall be reserved for when its as good as a commercial player
[02:25] <omega_> yu
[02:39] Nick change: omega_ -> omega-dinner
[02:43] <CHW> dinner?
[02:51] Nick change: CHW -> CHW_away
[02:52] Topic changed on #gstreamer by ChanServ!s at ChanServ: GStreamer: the ultimate multimedia framework
[02:56] sienap (synap at ipc379c004.dial.wxs.nl) joined #gstreamer.
[02:56] <sienap> Hi all :)
[02:58] Nick change: matth_ -> matth-away
[03:02] Nick change: omega-dinner -> omega_
[03:02] <sienap> omega_:)
[03:02] <sienap> done something today ?
[03:03] <omega_> yup
[03:05] <sienap> TELL TELL :)
[03:05] <omega_> subscribe to -cvs and you can see for yourself
[03:05] <sienap> he
[03:05] <sienap> bitch :)
[03:05] <omega_> well, everyone else gets their news that way....
[03:06] <sienap> he
[03:06] <sienap> Blergh ;)
[03:06] <sienap> *SMACK* >:)
[03:06] <sienap> can't you just tell :)
[03:06] <omega_> no, since I have to leave in a couple minutes <g>
[03:06] <sienap> hoer :)
[03:07] <sienap> ok thanks anyway
[03:10] Action: omega_ goes
[03:10] omega_ (omega at omegacs.net) left irc: [x]chat
[03:18] sienap (synap at ipc379c004.dial.wxs.nl) left irc: sienap has no reason
[03:34] iGN_ (ign at login1.simplemente.net) got netsplit.
[03:34] matth-away (matth at qwest.dsplinux.net) got netsplit.
[03:34] maYam (mayam at cable-195-162-214-190.upc.chello.be) got netsplit.
[03:34] CHW_away (paul at temple-baptist.com) got netsplit.
[03:34] taaz (dlehn at got netsplit.
[03:37] ChiefHighwater (paul at temple-baptist.com) joined #gstreamer.
[03:37] taaz (dlehn at returned to #gstreamer.
[03:37] maYam (mayam at cable-195-162-214-190.upc.chello.be) returned to #gstreamer.
[03:37] matth-away (matth at qwest.dsplinux.net) returned to #gstreamer.
[03:37] iGN_ (ign at login1.simplemente.net) returned to #gstreamer.
[03:45] CHW_away (paul at temple-baptist.com) got lost in the net-split.
[04:59] Nick change: ChiefHighwater -> omega_
[04:59] <omega_> rdj: how's the bonobo stuff going?
[05:34] mattsm (mattsm at adsl-65-64-245-123.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) joined #gstreamer.
[06:11] omega_ (paul at temple-baptist.com) left irc: 

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