[gst-devel] Re: Massive speed improvement in GObject type checking code
Owen Taylor
otaylor at redhat.com
Sun Jun 17 19:40:25 CEST 2001
Owen Taylor <otaylor at redhat.com> writes:
> Tim Janik <timj at gtk.org> writes:
> > On Sat, 16 Jun 2001, Erik Walthinsen wrote:
> >
> > > Parapraxis found that this reduced the number of calls in his code from
> > > 10489576 to 1391, or a 99.987% reduction. The total CPU time taken by
> > > g_type_instance_is_a went from 26% to *not measurable*.
> >
> > ok, that is quite alarming indeed.
> >
> > > This won't be
> > > quite as dramatic in something like a Gtk+ application, where more checks
> > > will be done between an object and one of its parent classes, but I would
> > > still expect *at least* a 50% reduction.
> >
> > i'd second that.
> I'm not sure I would. When I did profiling for GtkObject, a huge
> number of checks were from gtk_object_ref(), gtk_signal_emit()
> and such, so the really big win was:
> #define GTK_IS_OBJECT_CLASS(klass) ( \
> (klass) != NULL && \
> GTK_FUNDAMENTAL_TYPE (((GtkObjectClass*) (klass))->type) == GTK_TYPE_OBJECT \
> )
> Of course, GDK and Pango have flatter inheritance trees than GTK+,
> so, checking against the object type is probably a lot more
> common than it used to be.
> But trying to second guess this is completely pointless. Someone
> needs to add a few lines of instrumentation, run testgtk and
> report the results.
Did some checking - patch follows for anybody who wants to
try for themselves.
For the various tests in testgtk for the type of the object were
between 7 and 33% of the total number of BLAH_IS_FOO checks.
(Around 15% was typical)
G_IS_OBJECT() checks were between 16% and 80% of the total
number of checks. (Around 40% was typical)
Obviously, it varies a _lot_ depending on what is going on.
Index: gtype.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/glib/gobject/gtype.c,v
retrieving revision 1.27
diff -u -r1.27 gtype.c
--- gtype.c 2001/05/10 13:58:40 1.27
+++ gtype.c 2001/06/17 17:35:05
@@ -2479,15 +2479,40 @@
return type;
+static int total = 0;
+static int same = 0;
+static int gobject = 0;
+void print_perc (void)
+ g_print ("Percentage of checks 'a is a': %.2f (%d/%d)\n",
+ 100 * (double)same / total, same, total);
+ g_print ("Percentage of checks 'a is gobject': %.2f (%d/%d)\n",
+ 100 * (double)gobject / total, gobject, total);
g_type_instance_is_a (GTypeInstance *type_instance,
GType iface_type)
TypeNode *node, *iface;
gboolean check;
+ static gboolean init = FALSE;
if (!type_instance || !type_instance->g_class)
return FALSE;
+ if (!init)
+ {
+ init = TRUE;
+ g_atexit (print_perc);
+ }
+ total++;
+ if (type_instance->g_class->g_type == iface_type)
+ same++;
+ if (G_TYPE_OBJECT == iface_type)
+ gobject++;
G_READ_LOCK (&type_rw_lock);
node = lookup_type_node_L (type_instance->g_class->g_type);
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