[gst-devel] Patch to allow spaces in options for gstreamer-launch

Dominic Ludlam dom at recoil.org
Sat Mar 3 17:54:27 CET 2001


I got gstreamer from CVS after seeing it mentioned on slashdot and was very
impressed.  I have a few comments though:

I couldn't play many of my mp3s using the example mp3play tool because most
of them have spaces in the filenames.  I've appended a simple patch that
allows you to quote the options in gst_parse_launch.

The argvn argument list it creates never gets freed - I put in a g_strfreev
at the end of the function but the program core dumped, implying that some of
the strings in that array are referenced instead of copied in
gst_parse_launch_cmdline.  I'll look at that soon.

Also, I have two audio devices, a sound card and the microphone in my webcam.
The webcam is /dev/dsp and the soundcard is /dev/dsp1.  This meant that by
default the audiosink plugin output sound to my webcam which just ate
everything passed to it.  I wasn't sure of the best way to fix this
properly - maybe a GtkArg that enumerates all the available audio devices?


Index: examples/launch/mp3play
RCS file: /cvsroot/gstreamer/gstreamer/examples/launch/mp3play,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.6 mp3play
--- examples/launch/mp3play	2001/01/22 23:39:23	1.6
+++ examples/launch/mp3play	2001/03/03 00:41:28
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 #! /bin/sh
 for loc in "$@"; do
-gstreamer-launch disksrc "location=$loc" ! mp3parse ! mpg123 ! audiosink
+gstreamer-launch disksrc \""location=$loc"\" ! mp3parse ! mpg123 ! audiosink
Index: gst/gstparse.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/gstreamer/gstreamer/gst/gstparse.c,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5 gstparse.c
--- gst/gstparse.c	2001/01/29 00:06:00	1.5
+++ gst/gstparse.c	2001/03/03 00:41:28
@@ -321,8 +321,9 @@
   gst_parse_priv priv;
   gchar **argvn;
   gint newargc;
-  gint len;
-  int i,j,k;
+  gint i;
+  const gchar *cp, *start, *end;
+  GSList *string_list = NULL, *slist;
   priv.bincount = 0;
   priv.threadcount = 0;
@@ -331,46 +332,64 @@
   priv.verbose = FALSE;
   priv.debug = FALSE;
-  // first walk through quickly and see how many more slots we need
-  len = strlen(cmdline);
-  newargc = 1;
-  for (i=0;i<len;i++) {
-    // if it's a space, it denotes a new arg
-    if (cmdline[i] == ' ') newargc++;
-    // if it's a brace and isn't followed by a space, give it an arg
-    if (strchr("([{}])",cmdline[i])) {
-      // not followed by space, gets one
-      if (cmdline[i+1] != ' ') newargc++;
+  end = cmdline + strlen(cmdline);
+  newargc = 0;
+  // Extract the arguments to a gslist in reverse order
+  for (cp = cmdline; cp < end; ) {
+    i = strcspn(cp, "([{}]) \"");
+    if (i > 0) {
+      // normal argument - copy and add to the list
+      string_list = g_slist_prepend(string_list, g_strndup(cp, i));
+      newargc++;
+      cp += i;
+    }
+    // skip spaces
+    while (cp < end && *cp == ' ')
+      cp++;
+    // handle quoted arguments
+    if (*cp == '"') {
+      start = ++cp;
+      // find matching quote
+      while (cp < end && *cp != '"')
+	cp++;
+      // make sure we got it
+      if (cp == end) {
+	g_warning("gst_parse_launch: Unbalanced quote in command line");
+	// FIXME: The list leaks here
+	return 0;
+      }
+      // copy the string sans quotes
+      string_list = g_slist_prepend(string_list, g_strndup(start, cp - start));
+      newargc++;
+      cp += 2; // skip the quote aswell
+    }
+    // brackets exist in a separate argument slot
+    if (*cp && strchr("([{}])", *cp)) {
+      string_list = g_slist_prepend(string_list, g_strndup(cp, 1));
+      newargc++;
+      cp++;
   // now allocate the new argv array
-  argvn = g_new0(char *,newargc+1);
-  GST_DEBUG(0,"supposed to have %d args\n",newargc);
+  argvn = g_new0(char *,newargc);
+  GST_DEBUG(0,"got %d args\n",newargc);
-  // now attempt to construct the new arg list
-  j = 0;k = 0;
-  for (i=0;i<len+1;i++) {
-    // if it's a delimiter
-    if (strchr("([{}]) ",cmdline[i]) || (cmdline[i] == '\0')) {
-      // extract the previous arg
-      if (i-k > 0) {
-        if (cmdline[k] == ' ') k++;
-        argvn[j] = g_new0(char,(i-k)+1);
-        memcpy(argvn[j],&cmdline[k],i-k);
+  // reverse the list and put the strings in the new array
+  i = newargc;
-        // catch misparses
-        if (strlen(argvn[j]) > 0) j++;
-      }
-      k = i;
+  for (slist = string_list; slist; slist = slist->next)
+    argvn[--i] = slist->data;
-      // if this is a bracket, construct a word
-      if ((cmdline[i] != ' ') && (cmdline[i] != '\0')) {
-        argvn[j++] = g_strdup_printf("%c",cmdline[i]);
-        k++;
-      }
-    }
-  }
+  g_slist_free(string_list);
   // print them out
   for (i=0;i<newargc;i++) {
@@ -379,6 +398,12 @@
   // set up the elementcounts hash
   priv.elementcounts = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash,g_str_equal);
+  // do it!
+  i = gst_parse_launch_cmdline(newargc,argvn,parent,&priv);
+//  GST_DEBUG(0, "Finished - freeing temporary argument array");
+//  g_strfreev(argvn);
-  return gst_parse_launch_cmdline(newargc,argvn,parent,&priv);
+  return i;

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