[gst-devel] Fix for gstosshelper
Thomas Nyberg
thomas at codefactory.se
Thu May 10 16:21:17 CEST 2001
after compiling the latest source from the cvs a really strange
error occured to me. After open()-ning a file and trying to write
to it, write reported that everything worked fine. But when
looking at the file, it was empty!
So, after a few hours of brutal debuging I finnally managed to
locate the error. A really trivial thing, if you know where to
When seeing the "Evil evil evil hack..."-thingy at the top of
the file, I knew I as on to something ;)
The patch is trivial, and solves my problem. However, I don't
know if it does what you want. But I think so...
/Thomas <thomas at codefactory.se>
Thomas Nyberg thomas.nyberg at codefactory.se
CodeFactory AB http://www.codefactory.se/
Office: +46 (0)90 71 86 10 Cell: +46 (0)70 335 61 64
-------------- next part --------------
Index: plugins/oss/gstosshelper.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/gstreamer/gstreamer/plugins/oss/gstosshelper.c,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 gstosshelper.c
--- plugins/oss/gstosshelper.c 2001/05/06 14:22:06 1.4
+++ plugins/oss/gstosshelper.c 2001/05/10 14:15:24
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@
if (!strcmp (pathname, "/dev/dsp")) {
DPRINTF ("hijacking /dev/dsp open, and taking it to GStreamer...\n");
return (sndfd = HELPER_MAGIC_SNDFD);
- }
- return (sndfd = (*func) (pathname, flags, mode));
+ }
+ return ((*func) (pathname, flags, mode));
static int
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