[gst-devel] Gstreamer Player 0.4.1 released

Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller Uraeus at linuxrising.org
Sat Sep 28 14:43:04 CEST 2002

Gstreamer Player "The Dutch Loss" 0.4.1 released [1]

Homepage: http://www.gstreamer.net/apps/gst-player/

This is a the release of the GStreamer Player. It should be used with
GStreamer release version 0.4.1. The player is still in the early stages
of development and things may not work as expected. YOU HAVE BEEN

* The aim of the player is to: be the best player of video files on
GStreamer platforms
* be useful as a player for all media types supported by GStreamer

It now has the following working features:

    * Play/Pause and Stop
    * Seek slider
    * Volume slider and mute
    * Mini mode
    * Fullscreen video mode
    * %50, %100 & %200 video magnification
    * Certified to play Las Ketchup - Asereje

The following things don't really work:

    * The playlist
    * Playing some audio file types like mod, sid
    * At the end of a file it doesn't really stop, just pause
    * Scaling and Seeking in non-Xv mode

New since last release

    * Plays multiple files seqentially
    * now has an appicon
    * Nautilus view
    * fewer bugs
    * Window title now displays Media Info not application name
    * Media info button in lower right corner
    * Gives good error messages when needed GStreamer plugins are


Here are two screenshots of the media player in action. If you want to
make your own screenshots you need to edit the GStreamer videosink GConf
key. After xvideosink add 'disable-xv=1'. We do not advise using this
for normal viewing if you have Xv support available, as it lowers
performance and disables scaling.

For even more fun, set the key to something like agingTV ! colorspace !


Gst-player is available in tar.gz, bz2, rpm and debian format.
Check this page for details:

Contributors to this release

    * Steve Baker <stevebaker_org(AT)yahoo.co.uk>


    * Olivier Martin <oleevye(AT)wanadoo.fr>
    * Thomas Vander Stichele <thomas(AT)apestaart.org>
    * Christian Schaller <Uraeus(AT)gnome.org>
    * Iain Holmes <iain(AT)prettypeople.org>

[1] Good luck back home Steve

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