[gst-devel] caps/caps2

David Schleef ds at schleef.org
Mon Dec 1 19:29:41 CET 2003

On Mon, Dec 01, 2003 at 12:52:32PM +0100, Ronald Bultje wrote:
> the Gnome-2.5 feature freeze is next monday (7 days left). We currently
> have two caps systems, and the status of how things work is unknown to
> me. I just know that gstcaps.h contains old caps, gstcaps2 contains new
> caps and this is not a good idea. If we want to have the new caps system
> into GStreamer-0.7.x/0.8.0, we need to rename it to gstcaps and obsolete
> the old API (make sure nothing will build against it, otherwise it's
> part of the API and then we can't remove it after Dec.8th). Dave, what's
> the plan?

A status report is a bit overdue.

Everything related to the new caps system is in the CAPS branch.  I
sync'd with HEAD a few days ago, so the CAPS branch (if you want to
play with it) is only a few days behind.  Also, a number of unrelated
changes in the CAPS branch were merged to HEAD, such as removing old
autoplug code and an accidental doc "fix".

So right now, HEAD should not contain any of the new caps code.  I
noticed that people were getting confused about this.

The gstreamer part of the CAPS branch is in pretty good state -- the
entire testsuite has been converted and all the tests pass.  However,
I have only converted a few plugins.

In the next week, I'll be converting as much of gst-plugins as I have
time for.  I'm hoping others will help out, so that I have time to
fix bugs and deal with more core issues before the freeze on Monday.
Some changes are pretty difficult, and require a bit of understanding
about how caps negotiation is supposed to work.  But mostly, it's
just a lot of busywork that can't be automated.

I wrote up a migration doc, but it's at home, and I am not.


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