[gst-devel] [GStreamer] A new project

Edward Hervey hervey_e at epita.fr
Wed Dec 17 04:29:02 CET 2003

Hi everybody,

  As our End of Studies project for a french CS school, we decided, with
several other students, to develop a non-linear multimedia editor for
GNU/Linux using GStreamer.

  Further details about the project will follow by this weekend as we
finalize the official subject. For the french-speaking amongst you, a
short introduction about the project is available at


  For the time being the members of the team are :

    Edward HERVEY (login: hervey_e) Team Manager
    Raphaël PRALAT (pralat_r) Doc, Comm
    Marc DELETTREZ (delett_m)
    Heidy HERY (hery_h)
    Mathieu CHAMPELY (champe_m)
    Julien CARBONNIER (carbon_j)
    Stephan BLOCH (bloch_s)
    Loic DUBART (dubart_l)

  To contact a member of the team, mail <login>@epitech.net

  Edward Hervey, for the team

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