[gst-devel] CAPS merge

David Schleef ds at schleef.org
Mon Dec 22 01:47:00 CET 2003

The CAPS branch has been merged.

Caps handling and pad negotiation are subtlely different in a number
of ways, including ways that we have yet to discover.  In addition,
I've just rewritten most of the internal negotiation code, since it
was hard to understand and debug.  When that is checked in, negotiation
will be a lot closer to how I pretend it works now.

Read docs/random/caps2 and docs/random/negotiation for random notes
about caps and negotiation.

Known quantities:

 - spider and colorspace are known to be broken

 - videotestsrc, xvimagesink, ximagesink, mad, and osssink are known
   to work
 - filtered caps work

If you notice any problems (and you will), please file a bug with
the complete launch line that fails.


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