[gst-devel] GStreamer release [Was: Thanks very much for the releases]

Jeff Waugh jdub at perkypants.org
Tue Jan 21 07:26:06 CET 2003

<quote who="iain">

> I've not made a Gnome-media release because I'm waiting for the gstreamer
> release to be made. Thomas said this should happen sometime towards the
> end of this week.

Thanks Iain, sorry to send on your email to the GStreamer list (release team
is private)...

We really need a GStreamer release for RC2. Monday was the due date for
tarballs, and we've had an incredible response from maintainers across the
project - final version numbers for just about everything.

I can understand that you guys have some last minute issues to deal with,
but we're working on the assumption that the only reality is released
reality - it's very important to get GStreamer code out for people to test
for this release (especially given the number of releases throughout the

So, please let us know what's happening with your release for RC2.


- Jeff

  We're kind of like Canada, only we hate ourselves more, and it's wetter   
                             around the edges.                              

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