[gst-devel] gnome-media maintainership

Jeff Waugh jdub at perkypants.org
Tue Jun 3 06:35:03 CEST 2003

<quote who="Murray.Cumming at Comneon.com">

> > Hey, we don't have enough developers as it is. Don't go stealing them
> > from us ;)
> Well I hoped it wouldn't take too many resources away from gstreamer. I
> don't think there's a great deal of work involved. It just seems like you
> guys might be interested and involved.

... and it's always a good thing to have the framework-proving applications
currently present in the Desktop release under GStreamer maintenance, too,
surely? Seems like a good way to make sure everyone knows what GStreamer is
capable of.

- Jeff

linux.conf.au 2004: Adelaide, Australia         http://lca2004.linux.org.au/
                W.O.R.K: Weekend Over, Resume the Killings.

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