[gst-devel] libtool requirement for plugins
Benjamin Otte
in7y118 at public.uni-hamburg.de
Thu May 22 16:35:07 CEST 2003
Using libtool < 1.5 requires you to figure out the C++ specific compiler
flags in configure. With the old libtool they are hardcoded into the
Makefile and every C++ plugin wass linked with -lstdc++ (which as I said
broke Forte).
So if you really wanted to get it working again with the old libtool you
would have to figure out the compiler-specific flags for c++ and pass them
to the ldflags every time you build a c++ plugin.
I'm not aware of any bugs with libtool 1.5 btw and certainly didn't find
any when building the plugins with it.
On 22 May 2003, Thomas Vander Stichele wrote:
> I still think this merits some discussion. I remember doing a lot of
> work on the C++ handling to the point where I got everything working to
> satisfaction. If this is not the case, at least provide some info so
> that interested parties (for example, me) can help solve this.
> This doesn't really sound like that good a reason at all to force this
> requirement, especially knowing that libtool 1.5 has a slew of other
> bugs that might bite us.
> On Thu, 2003-05-22 at 22:37, Benjamin Otte wrote:
> > Hi people,
> >
> > I'm about to upgrade the libtool requirement of the plugins to 1.5.
> > I'm fully aware that neither Debain unstable nor Redhat 9 ship 1.5, but it
> > is needed.
> > The reason for this:
> > Libtool prior to 1.5 used CC for doing the linking not caring if it was a
> > C++ program/lib. Monkeymedia and Modplug however require a linked in
> > libstdc++ if you compile with C++. But Forte barfs in that case because it
> > doesn't know about that lib.
> > So my choices were messing around with Makefiles and maybe even
> > configure.ac or updating the libtool requirement. (remember: it's a cvs
> > HEAD requirement for devs only, tarballs are not affected.)
> > I decided for the cleaner way.
> >
> > Benjamin
> >
> >
> >
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