[gst-devel] [ANN] first Moosak alpha (version 0.1.0) released
Thomas Vander Stichele
thomas at apestaart.org
Wed Oct 1 05:13:05 CEST 2003
Hey Leif,
I tried it quickly. Yeah, it needs a build/package set up :)
I did have to tweak some stuff, however. One problem is one I run into
for my python apps as well; since gstreamer does a require on pygtk-2.0
or something, gstreamer stuff needs to be imported before gtk stuff.
I'm not sure why this is, maybe David can shed some light on this, but
it's annoying. So I wonder why you don't run into that.
Secondly, I suppose gnome.applet only recently acquired symbols like
ORIENT_UP - is there any way to detect and require minimal versions of
python bindings ?
Thirdly, there was gtk.Label set without a label title at all, which
asserts for me. How come it doesn't do that for you ? It shouldn't even
run that way :)
Fourth, when opening the playlist window, when trying to add new files,
it didn't do anything for me.
Also, here are two hints for debugging bonobo stuff (maybe you already
know, but I'm telling you in case you didn't because it helped me):
a) run the server binary from the command line to get all of the output
before actually adding it to your panel
b) it's very helpful to separate out the actual work code into one
binary so that you can run the complete app without having to go through
the panel/bonobo to test it.
Since I'm working on something gst-python'ish myself, I'm interested in
helping out with a build/package set up so people can more easily test
As for the GUI, have you ever tried quark ? It had only one small icon,
and it worked really well. Scrolling with the mouse button made it skip
to previous or next song, leftclick did play/pause, and you could also
get a drop down menu with the other functions. I think moosak would be
better with the same UI - it shouldn't take up that much space IMO. But
that's just my opinion.
Keep up the great work, I hope we can push this out to a wider audience
soon !
On Tue, 2003-09-30 at 20:21, Leif Johnson wrote:
> Moosak is a music player applet for the GNOME2 panel. Moosak makes
> extensive use of pygtk and gst-python to tie together the rapid
> developement strengths of Python with a nice GTK2 interface and the
> fantastic media handling of GStreamer.
> Just a few days ago this package got to the point where it can play
> files continuously without throwing up too many errors, so I've released
> an alpha package. Please give it a whirl if you're feeling adventurous !
> http://ambient.2y.net/moosak/
> A couple words of caution :
> - Moosak is alpha software ! I'm doing an alpha release because I've
> been able to use Moosak for the past few days (so it's stable in a
> certain sense ...), and I'd like to get feedback early.
> - The installation process is a pain ! I'm hoping there are some
> GStreamer hackers who'll already have most dependencies set up and
> installed properly.
> - Many of the playlist functions are not implemented yet, but you can
> add and play files, which is important. : ) The playlist GUI is also
> going to change some in the future ; it's a bit too busy right now.
> Moosak has a long way to go, but I think it's fun to use. Try it out and
> let me know what you think.
> Happy hacking,
> leif
> --
> Leif Morgan Johnson : http://ambient.2y.net/leif/
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