[gst-devel] gst-player performance
Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
gjc at inescporto.pt
Wed Oct 22 11:44:21 CEST 2003
A Ter, 2003-10-21 às 12:02, Benjamin Otte escreveu:
> On Mon, 20 Oct 2003, Colin Fox wrote:
> > What about my other point, though - the choppiness of the gst player? Is
> > that just because it's a development version, or is there something
> > inherent in the whole gst technique that imposes too much overhead to
> > have a smooth video stream?
> >
> > Is there anything I can do to get the player to play faster/smoother?
> >
> The main reasons why the player uses more CPU than mplayer IMO are
> 1) updating gtk (like the time display and the slider)
> 2) slower plugins (like mad for mp3 decoding)
> though I haven't benchmarked it and threading might be part of that
> picture, too.
> Gtk updating runs in an idle callback though, so that shouldn't be an
> issue. As for the plugins you probably need to find out if you use bad
No, it can still be an issue because Gtk only does half the GUI work.
The other half is done by the X server, which treats all drawing
requests with the same priority, therefore consumes overall CPU
Gustavo João Alves Marques Carneiro
<gjc at inescporto.pt> <gustavo at users.sourceforge.net>
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