[gst-devel] GstClock implementations

Stefan Kost kost at imn.htwk-leipzig.de
Wed Feb 11 11:12:27 CET 2004

hi hi,

we got a bit further. we now use a thread (and not the while(iterate()) stuff.
Further we've grabbed the GstClock from the thread and registered a continuous
callback on a seond base. From the callback we modify DParams of GstElements.

Now the problem is that the clock-callback is just called once. investigation
the clock we've got from the thread shows by its flags that it is a dummy
implementation which can do nothing (flags are 0).
1.) Does anyone know how to get the name of the GstClockClass that is providing
the implemtation.
2.) How one can switch to a useful clock.

      \|/            Stefan Kost
     <@ @>           private            business
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|       __  Address  Simildenstr. 5     HTWK Leipzig, Fb IMN, Postfach 301166
|      ///           04277 Leipzig      04251 Leipzig
| __  ///            Germany            Germany
| \\\///    Phone    +49341 2253538     +49341 30766101
|  \__/     EMail    st_kost_at_gmx.net kost_at_imn.htwk-leipzig.de
|           WWW      www.sonicpulse.de  www.imn.htwk-leipzig.de/~kost/about.html
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