[gst-devel] Displaying widescreen video

Ronald Bultje rbultje at ronald.bitfreak.net
Fri Jan 16 01:08:02 CET 2004

On Thu, 2004-01-15 at 20:00, William R Sowerbutts wrote:
> I have another question. The video I'm working with is shot in anamorphic
> 16:9, which means that each frame is stored as a 720x576 pixel image, but must
> be displayed at a resolution more like 1024x576.
> sdlvideosink

We do this using the "pixel_width" and "pixel_height" properties in a
GstCaps structure. mpeg2dec is one of the few elements currently using
it (for SVCD purposes). sdlvideosink doesn't understand it,
unfortunately. xvimagesink does. We should probably fix this up some


Ronald Bultje <rbultje at ronald.bitfreak.net>
Linux Video/Multimedia developer

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