[gst-devel] completing the API docs

Stefan Kost kost at imn.htwk-leipzig.de
Fri Jul 23 07:51:07 CEST 2004

hi Ronald,

>>, but after cleaning up the section file, we have a quite
>>preceice log of undocumentetd public api entries in
>>docs/gst/gstreamer-undocumented.txt (nearly 400)
> I don't have that file, can you attach it? I'll see where I can help and
> where not.
I'll get the file, when running gtk-doc. Maybee you don't have all the
infractructure for it installed. The autogen.sh detects that and disables that
build-step then.

Anyway, the file is attached. In case anyone has questions related to gtk-doc,
please ask. It is not very staright forward to understand how it works and I am
not a master of that topic for sure, but after setting it up in my own project,
I've got a good understanding of it.

      \|/            Stefan Kost
     <@ @>           private            business
+-oOO-(_)-OOo------------------------------------------------------ - - -  -   -
|       __  Address  Simildenstr. 5     HTWK Leipzig, Fb IMN, Postfach 301166
|      ///           04277 Leipzig      04251 Leipzig
| __  ///            Germany            Germany
| \\\///    Phone    +49341 2253538     +49341 30766101
|  \__/     EMail    st_kost_at_gmx.net kost_at_imn.htwk-leipzig.de
|           WWW      www.sonicpulse.de  www.imn.htwk-leipzig.de/~kost/about.html
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