[gst-devel] gstreamer-properties

John Thacker thacker at math.cornell.edu
Tue Mar 9 07:03:00 CET 2004

On Tue, Mar 09, 2004 at 03:28:30PM +0100, Benjamin Otte wrote:
> The correct fix for this would be to create a real audiotestsrc that 
> supports close to any format (like videotestsrc) and not to use sinesrc, 
> which just does 44100kHz/1channel/S16 output.

That seems correct in the long run.  In the short run using
sinesrc ! audioconvert ! audioscale as the audio test pipeline in
gstreamer-properties would be good to just make it work.

Speaking of videotestsrc, gstreamer-properties also fails to test the
video output sink for me.  The test pipeline it attempts to run is
videotestsrc ! ffcolorspace ! xvimagesink
(or whatever output sink is selected.)  That pipeline doesn't want to
play for me; I don't think that a colorspace plugin is needed at all,
but I could be wrong.  It's another quick change.

John Thacker

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