[gst-devel] docs - the easy way for you

Stefan Kost kost at imn.htwk-leipzig.de
Thu Sep 2 04:39:13 CEST 2004

hi hi,

if I receive no objections, I will hide all symbols from the docs, that have
been suggested as internal by Ronald.
So please speak up now or never ;-)


Ronald S. Bultje wrote:
> Hi Stefan,
> let's give it a try.
> On Tue, 2004-08-31 at 16:38, Stefan Kost wrote:
> [..]
> Those should be hidden. I don't think applications or plugins are
> supposed to explicitely touch the registry anyway. They should use the
> gstreamer object (signal, function) hooks for that.
> Those two automate the boilerplate code for GObjects. They create a
> _get_type() function for the given object and add definitions (but not
> implmentations) for the _init(), class_init() and base_init() functions.
> The object still actually has to implement those later. The _FULL
> variant also allows for additional code to be executed during the type
> creation. Ususally, this is used for explicit debug category creation or
> so, but it could also be used for interface initialization to the object
> type.
> duration in nanoseconds of the data in the buffer. GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE
> if unknown.
> tests if the duration is known.
> a function that should be called if the buffer has no more references
> left. Elements that utilize hardware memory could use this to re-queue
> the buffer after it's been unreferenced. If no free_data_func has been
> provided, the default will be used which simply deallocates the memory
> region and the GstBuffer object. Manual implementations that want to
> free their own memory but don't do anything special otherwise are
> suggested to set the GST_BUFFER_DONTFREE flag on the buffer and call the
> default data free function (gst_buffer_default_free()) from their manual
> implementation.
> private data for the buffer. This can be used to store a pointer to the
> object that can then be retrieved in something like the
> tests if the timestamp of the buffer is known.
> means that the element/pad can output 'anything'. Useful for elements
> that output unknown media, such as filesrc.
> flags that this caps has no specific content, but can contain anything.
> the opposite of GST_CAPS_ANY: it means that the pad/element outputs an
> undefined media type that can not be detected.
> tests if the given time (in nanoseconds) is an allowed value (anything
> I'm pretty sure you want those to be private.
> utility function that elements can use in case they encountered a fatal
> data processing error. The pipeline will throw an error signal and the
> application will be requested to stop further media processing.
> can be used to properly output a fourcc (a guint32) value in a
> printf()-style text message. FORMAT is to be used as format, args as the
> argument:
> printf ("fourcc: %" GST_FOURCC_FORMAT "\n", GST_FOURCC_ARGS (fcc));
> private.
> similar to the glib cast/check functions, but those also check if the
> given object indicate that their instance supports running this
> interface. Can be used as extensions to the standard glib cast/check
> object macros. They should not be used in the default glib-style macros,
> though (some interfaces do this - will be fixed in 0.9).
> will transform four characters into a host-endiannness guint32 fourcc:
> guint32 fourcc = GST_MAKE_FOURCC ('M','J','P','G');
> Deprecated cousins of their _LINK_ counterparts.
> macros to test if the given GstPadLinkReturn value indicates a
> successfull negotiation step (OK/DONE) or not (REFUSED/DELAYED).
> you already had those, I believe. Those are to define standard
> properties of a plugin through which GStreamer can load them. The
> _STATIC counterpart is for static (non-loadable, compiled-in) elements.
> Element ranks. Defines the order in which the autoplugger (or similar
> rank-picking mechanisms) will choose this element over an alternative
> with the same function.
> macros to read the given value types from a binary input stream, taking
> byte alignment and all that into account.
> guchar *buf = ...;
> guint32 width = GST_READ_UINT32_LE (buf);
> Hide?
> creates a static caps from an input string. This can be used in pad
> templates.
> static any caps.
> static none caps.
> creates a fourcc from an input string. The input string should consisnt
> of at least four characters (this is not checked for!).
> guint32 fourcc = GST_STR_FOURCC("MJPG");
> Those are all tags, I suppose I don't need to explain them.
> printf()-style format and argument macros for printing times (in
> nanoseconds, a guint64) in a human-readable format (hh:mm:ss.xxx).
> guint64 time = 0;
> printf ("Time: %" GST_TIME_FORMAT "\n", GST_TIME_ARGS (time));
> retrieve the flags from a buffer.
> all GTypes. Does glib document all those? Those shouldn't be too hard.
> If you need specific information for any of them, just ask.
> Indicates if the two values provided to a comparison function
> (gst_value_compare()) are lesser than, greater than or equal to each
> other. If this cannot be said (e.g. because lesser than or greater than
> makes no sense for those particular value comparisons), you'll get
> unordered, which means as much as "don't know".
> Macros that check whether the given GValue holds a specific value
> (gst-defined) type. Similar to the G_VALUE_HOLDS_{INT,LONG,...} macros.
> Write a given value type into a buffer. The opposite of the _READ_
> macros. Take alignment and all that into account.
> guchar buf[4];
> GST_WRITE_UINT32_LE (buf, 250);
> will be signalled if an element was removed/added. Can be used to take
> action as a result of this in an application or element.
> will be signalled if the buffer became full (overrun), became empty
> (underrun) or became non-empty or non-full (running). A buffer is full
> or empty if the total amount of data inside it (num-buffers, time, size)
> is lower than the boundary values which can be set through the GObject
> properties.
> Most of those are simple, well, typedefs. Similar question to the _TYPE_
> one: does glib document this?
> Same as above for GLOBAL. Probably hide.
> Probably same.
> tests if you can safely write data into a buffer's data array.
> deprecated cousins of the link/unlink counterparts.
> I think this is similar to g_print. Should probably be removed. I think
> it is actually deprecated. Unsure.
> Deprecated counterparts of link/unlink.
> gets the human-readable description of the meaning of a specific tag
> type.
> Gets the first or the index'ed tag value from a list.
> Returns if the given GType, if available in a GstStructure (or any other
> container) will contain a "fixed" (which means: one possible value) or
> an "unfixed" (which means: multiple possible values, such as data lists
> or data ranges) value.
> Unknown to me (so free for others to comment on):
> gst_alloc_trace_live_all
> gst_caps_get_preferred
> gst_caps_is_simple
> gst_caps_set_preferred
> gst_caps_use_preferred
> gst_core_error_quark
> gst_debug_category_set_threshold_for_name
> gst_debug_category_unset_threshold_for_name
> gst_debug_print_stack_trace
> gst_debug_reset_log_function
> gst_debug_set_log_function
> gst_element_factory_get_klass
> gst_error_get_message
> gst_index_entry_get_type
> gst_library_error_quark
> gst_pad_is_negotiated
> gst_parse_error_quark
> gst_plugin_feature_filter
> gst_plugin_feature_get_rank
> gst_plugin_feature_type_name_filter
> gst_plugin_list_feature_filter
> gst_resource_error_quark
> gst_stream_error_quark
> gst_structure_get_name_id
> gst_thread_current
> gst_trace_add_entry
> gst_trace_destroy
> gst_trace_flush
> gst_trace_get_offset
> gst_trace_get_remaining
> gst_trace_get_size
> gst_trace_new
> gst_trace_read_tsc
> gst_trace_set_default
> gst_trace_text_flush
> gst_value_can_intersect
> gst_value_deserialize
> gst_value_init_and_copy
> gst_value_register
> gst_value_register_intersect_func
> gst_value_serialize
> gst_vgint
> gst_vgpointer
> gst_vgulong
> HTH,
> Ronald

      \|/            Stefan Kost
     <@ @>           private            business
+-oOO-(_)-OOo------------------------------------------------------ - - -  -   -
|       __  Address  Simildenstr. 5     HTWK Leipzig, Fb IMN, Postfach 301166
|      ///           04277 Leipzig      04251 Leipzig
| __  ///            Germany            Germany
| \\\///    Phone    +49341 2253538     +49341 30766101
|  \__/     EMail    st_kost_at_gmx.net kost_at_imn.htwk-leipzig.de
|           WWW      www.sonicpulse.de  www.imn.htwk-leipzig.de/~kost/about.html
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