[gst-devel] Marlin 0.7 - "Mary Guibert is a Bloodsucking Vampire" has been released

Iain * iaingnome at gmail.com
Mon Sep 13 08:52:05 CEST 2004

Marlin 0.7
"Mary Guibert is a Bloodsucking Vampire"

http://marlin.sf.net/screenshots.html - screenshots
http://marlin.sf.net/ - homepage
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/marlin/marlin-0.7.tar.gz?download - download

Description: Its a sample editor that edits samples. No Way!

Nu Stuff:
* The most important change is that when there's a progress window on
screen, the icon for the main window becomes a progress indicator too.
Its neato well wicked!
* Secondly errors are now handled much better than ever. Can still be
improved, but they don't crash anymore, which is a bonus. When space
runs out on the temporary directory, Marlin calculates how much space
is needed and tell you. Isn't that nice?
* Thirdly, MARLIN_TMP_DIR envvar now exists to change the temporary
directory away from /tmp.
* Forth, a very very minor thing really, feel embarrassed to even
mention it, but undo/redo now exists and pretty much everything can be
undone, from complex sample edits, to minor things like moving markers
around. There is no limits enforced by Marlin on the number of things
that can be undone. I've probably forgotten loads of things that
should be undoable, so please tell me, and it can still be improved,
like by being able to turn undo off for somethings and by displaying a
progress dialog as well for long undo things.

Fixed stuff:
* Should crash even less than it did before.
* Record won't lock anymore I don't think. I've not been able to make
it anyway and thats good enough for me.
* Oh yeah, playing a single channel sample will now work, I think it
was busted in 0.6.

So, play with it, report bugs at http://bugzilla.gnome.org in the
Marlin category.

I'm not even going to ask for stuff this time, cos it doesn't work.


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