[gst-devel] osssink etc in gst-plugins-good.0.10 cannot be registered , debug log file is attached
rong wang
rhong_wang at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 20 09:14:10 CET 2005
Please clarify one thing.
I put my gstreamer core and plugin under one prefix
-- $HOME/gst/gst
why you are keeping saying that i am doing in separate
I am afraid that I didn't understand you. Please
detail a little bit.
--- Thomas Vander Stichele <thomas at apestaart.org>
> Hi,
> > (if "not without-check", I got error, say, cannot
> find
> > check.h
> > in the gstcheck.c, Could you tell me what the
> check is
> > about?
> > and what kind of check.h you expect?)
> check is a library. see check.sourceforge.net
> > for base plugin
> > ./configure --host=arm-linux
> --prefix=$HOME/gst/gst
> > LDFLAGS="-L$HOME/gst/zlib/lib
> -L$HOME/gst/lid3tag/lib
> > -L$HOME/gst/liboil/lib"
> > CPPFLAGS="-I$HOME/gst/lid3tag/include
> you seem to insist on installing everything in a
> separate prefix. Why
> is this ?
> > after that I copied the lib and bin directory
> under
> > $HOME/gst
> > into my target machine.
> You shouldn't just copy. You need to run make
> install, with a different
> DESTDIR. Are you sure you understand
> cross-compiling ? Have you
> successfully cross-compiled something before ?
> You can run ldd on any .so file to see if it is
> correctly finding the
> libs it needs. Do you know how to use that command
> ? Can you run it on
> your plugins ?
> Thomas
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> <-*- thomas (dot) apestaart (dot) org -*->
> They say if you love somebody
> you have got to set them free
> but I would rather be locked to you
> than living in this pain and misery
> <-*- thomas (at) apestaart (dot) org -*->
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