[gst-devel] gst-ffmpeg prerelease

Michael A. Peters mpeters at mac.com
Sat Jun 4 02:29:32 CEST 2005

On Fri, 2005-06-03 at 21:50 -0700, Michael A. Peters wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-06-03 at 12:10 +0200, Ronald S. Bultje wrote:
> >  Particularly, I'd like some
> > reports to confirm that it works on non-x86 
> It builds just dandy on ppc running Fedora Rawhide - I will try some
> various video files later this evening, and report and differences
> between it with ppc and x86 - if there are any.

it doesn't play divx on ppc (does on x86), at least not in totem - well,
it sort of does.
Sometimes totem gives an error message - Internal Negotian Problem

other times it will play 3 seconds of it and stop. If I move the time
bar manually, it will play 3 more seconds and then stop.

When I start totem and ask it to open the file, that's when the internal
negotiation problem occurs.
If I (in gnome) right click on file and choose "Open with totem" it will
do the 3 second and then stop thing.

x86 works very well (and I tested on x86 w/o the gstreamer-divx plugin,
so I know it is not using that) - both installs have same version of
gstreamer, gstreamer-plugins, totem (fedora rawhide)

The mac has a g3 (no altivec) - is there anything specific I can do to
generate useful error messages I could bugzilla? (ie install debug rpm's
etc.)? I am building gstreamer-ffmpeg in an rpm so I could if needed
install a debug package for it. Since (afaik) there is no divx4linux for
ppc, this would be the only way to play divx on ppc in gstreamer, - so
it would be nice if it worked.

here is how I am building it:

BuildRequires:  %{gstreamer}-devel >= %{gst_minver}
# libtool needs this, sigh
BuildRequires:  gcc-c++

# all of the FFmpeg dependencies we need to get the codecs we want
BuildRequires:  freetype-devel
BuildRequires:  imlib2-devel
BuildRequires:  SDL-devel, alsa-lib-devel


%setup -q -n gst-ffmpeg-%{version}

CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer" %configure

make %{?_smp_mflags}

rm -rf %buildroot
make DESTDIR=%buildroot install

# Clean out files that should not be part of the rpm.
rm -f %buildroot%{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{majorminor}/*.{a,la}

(basically updated the old src.rpm from livna for fc2)

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