[gst-devel] an issue about MAD plugin
rong wang
rhong_wang at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 26 12:21:08 CEST 2005
I got one problem about MAD plugin
On target platform, I tried to register it using
gst-register, if I did it under "/", mad plugin got
registered, but I went to any other directories to do
register-inspect, it gives following:
gst-inspect-0.8:735): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: how to
remove plugins?
(gst-inspect-0.8:735): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: Factory
for `mad' has no type. This probably means the plugin
wasn't found because the registry is broken. The
plugin GStreamer was looking for is named 'mad' and is
expected in file
'/usr/gst-plugin/lib/gstreamer-0.8/libgstmad.so'. The
registry for this plugin is located at
couldn't construct element for some reason
Plugin Details:
Name: mad
Description: id3 tag manipulation and mp3 decoding
based on the mad library
Version: 0.8.11
License: GPL
Package: GStreamer source release
Origin URL: http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/
mad: mad mp3 decoder
id3demux: id3 tag extractor
id3mux: id3 muxer
id3tag: id3 tag extractor
id3demuxbin: ID3-demux bin
5 features:
+-- 5 elements
but if I goes back to "/", it will be fine.
I suspect that I have path issue, but for osssink
plugin, it will be totally fine if I went to any
other directory other than "/".
Please give me your advice!
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