[gst-devel] PushSrc problem
Corentin BARON
corentin.baron at inrialpes.fr
Thu Aug 10 09:37:11 CEST 2006
Right, I forgot to update the boilerplate. But it still doesn't work:
gstreamer goes twice through my getcaps() function (which are
strictly the same as in 0.8), but tells me the pipeline is wrong,
even if I fix the framerate. Here's my plugin's verbose output
(sorry, french system):
> getcaps()
> | Caps:
> video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc)I420, width=(int)640, height=(int)
> 480, framerate=(double)[ 1, 100 ]
> getcaps()
> | Caps:
> video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc)I420, width=(int)640, height=(int)
> 480, framerate=(double)[ 1, 100 ]
> AVERTISSEMENT: tube erroné: impossible de connecter blinkysrc0 a
> xvimagesink0
Everything in the element is correctly initialized, I can't figure
out why it can't connect my filter to the sink.
Thx for the help,
Le 9 août 06 à 21:45, Jan Schmidt a écrit :
> On Wed, 2006-08-09 at 11:04 +0200, Corentin BARON wrote:
>> Now my problem is with pad creation in PushSrc. I added the pad
>> template as I did in 0.8 (and as mentioned in the BaseSrc
>> documentation) but it seems GStreamer don't instanciate any pad at
>> the
>> BaseSrc level.
> Hard to say from the code you pasted. At a wild guess, I might say
> that
> you modified the contents of your class and instance structures, but
> forgot to change the parent class in your get_type method (or the
> boilerplate) and it's still deriving from GstElement.
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