[gst-devel] embedded application using gstreamer

Will Newton will.newton at gmail.com
Tue Dec 19 12:04:23 CET 2006

On 12/19/06, ram kumar <heyram_2002 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> hi,
>    Iam developing a embedded application...iam very
> much worried about the size of the gstreamer...can
> anyone give me an idea about reducing the size...The
> XMLlibrary is occupying more space is there any way
> of disabling it...Iam not able to find exactly what
> for the XMLlibrary is used.....I have developed a CLI
> player for windows and iam trying to optimize that
> code so that i can use it in an embedded device...

Try configuring with --disable-registry and --disable-loadsave. There
is also a binary registry patch in the bugzilla that allows the
registry to be used without libxml.

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