[gst-devel] Subscribers and Publishers Video Streaming
Diego Martín
diego86cr at yahoo.es
Wed Apr 18 17:35:06 CEST 2007
I have two problems with video streaming over a
network using GStreamer.
In the pipes I use two elements, built by myself, that
send and receive the stream data, using a ZeroC ICE
event channel, using IceStorm publishers (sender) and
subscribers (receivers).
I would like to add subscribers to the event channel
when the transmission has started, but if I don't
receive the file headers, the receiver pipe don't
work. So I think I need a stream type without headers,
like MPEG2. Is there another solution for this?
When I use a theora/vorbis ogg stream, all works ok,
but if I use a MPEG2, the video goes very slow,
showing only a frame each ~10 seconds.
The pipes I use without network are the following, and
they work good:
filesrc location=file.mpeg ! ffdemux_mpegts ! mpeg2dec
! xvimagesink
filesrc location=file.mpeg ! decodebin name=decoder
decoder. ! audioconvert ! alsasink
decoder. ! ffmpegcolorspace ! xvimagesink
When using the network, I split the pipe into 2 parts,
the sender part and the receiver part as following:
filesrc location=file.mpeg ! netsink
netsrc ! decodebin name=decoder
decoder. ! audioconvert ! alsasink
decoder. ! ffmpegcolorspace ! xvimagesink
If I add some queues, the problem continues.
Am I wrong in something?
Thank you!
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