[gst-devel] GStreamer switching to git

Ole André Vadla Ravnås oleavr at gmail.com
Thu Jul 10 13:50:17 CEST 2008

On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 11:55 AM, Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller
<uraeus at linuxrising.org> wrote:
> I think Davids points basically sums up the discussion at the meeting.
> The discussion was not 'which is the ultimate VCS system' as such
> discussions tend to be completely useless and just means we end up
> staying with CVS due to lack of consensus for the forseeable future.
> The general agreement was that it was time to move on from CVS. We knew
> that there is wide agreement in the community about this. So the
> question came down to the kind of things that David listed.
> So if anyone wants to see GStreamer switch to something else than git,
> that is fine, but you need to start that discussion with two arguments:
> a) We (there needs to be more than one person knowing the system) are
> willing to spend the time and effort to do the conversion and help
> fellow developers with the conversion.
> b) This is something that the freedesktop sysadmins are able and willing
> to help us support.

I'm certainly not against switching to git per se, I just think it's a
bad idea to switch to it until the aforementioned issue has been
resolved. I completely agree that people all have their preferences,
and thus it becomes meaningless to discuss which DVCS to pick. It's a
bit like getting all the developers to agree on a common musical
taste. :)

> So while not everyone who where at the meeting loved git above
> everything else, the agreement was that if one wasn't willing or able to
> provide the above, one was only providing unconstructive stop energy.

Couldn't agree more, and I'm sorry if my post got mis-interpreted as
yet another 'you chose git, I wanted $DVCS' kind of rant, because that
was not the intention. As I said I'm all for switching to git once it
is usable for the less fortunate of us, and not only those of you
running proper OSes. :)

Ole André

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