[gst-devel] [gst-cvs] mnauw gst-plugins-base: gst-plugins-base/ gst-plugins-base/gst-libs/gst/video/

Mark Nauwelaerts manauw at skynet.be
Wed Jul 16 00:08:57 CEST 2008

David Schleef wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 11:12:13AM +0200, Mark Nauwelaerts wrote:
>>> Also, it changes ABI.
>> It might change API in that it would now return TRUE for a non-fixed caps.
> Bingo.  This behavior is relied upon in other areas of code.

I would not have expected that with the required fixed caps input in the 3 cases 
in set_caps or get_unit_size in -good ?  Though ok, maybe elsewhere.

>> If not finding that a solution, what would then be an acceptable way to re-use 
>> exactly the same code to determine format for a non-fixed width, height etc 
>> (which is irrelevant in the format determination) ?  Add some other API function 
>> (_full/_non_fixed ?) that internally calls upon the same (slightly re-factored) 
>> code.  After all, it's nice code, so let's use it as much as possible :)
> You'd need to write a lot of code to do this.  Basically, for each
> parameter, write a function that walks the caps structures and checks
> that each structure has the same fixed parameter.  It's not as simple
> as not checking for fixed caps.

walking caps structures ?; the plural is not possible nor needed since it is 
still verified now that the caps exactly holds 1 structure.  The code as it is 
will then FALSE out if any of the relevant parameters in that 1 structure turn 
out to hold a list or so (e.g. fourcc).  So FALSE still indicates failure with 
"ambiguous/insufficiently fixed caps", as it does now with non-fixed caps (and 
again; non-NULL width and height output parameters can still be made to enforce 
fixed caps requirement).
On the other hand, if it does not run into a FALSE (all _get_int etc succeeded), 
it means the format is unambiguously determined.

> I don't see much usefulness in this.  In GStreamer elements, you're
> either extracting information from fixed caps, as in a setcaps()
> function, or you're dealing with a potentially complex caps description
> that should be handled fully instead of using shortcuts.

A use-case; a sink setcaps triggers some caps negotiation between current 
element and its peer, a get_allowed_caps on src typically returns non-fixed caps 
(at least in the width, height, framerate, pixel-aspect-ratio and 
whatever-may-turn-up part).  A gst_caps_normalize then yields a caps each 
structure of which can be separately (caps encapsulated) fed into _parse_caps to 
reduce this to a GstVideoFormat, with which the element can decide if it can 
handle this format.
The "shortcut" in this is only that a library function _parse_caps can be used 
easily without first having to add more code to get rid of whatever 
not-so-interesting non-fixed fields there may be (e.g. fixating, removing, e.g. 
with a copy-and-paste job of gst_pad_default_fixate/fixate_value).


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