[gst-devel] How to draw a rectangle onto an ximagesink?
Stefan Kost
ensonic at hora-obscura.de
Mon Jun 16 21:02:47 CEST 2008
Nieto, Noe M schrieb:
> Hi everybody,
> I am writing an application where the user should be able to draw (with
> the mouse) a rectangle on a playing video window (for now it is an
> ximagesink).
Thats not so easy. Curretly xvimagesink does autofill-colorkey. That is it fills
the drawable with the colorkey so that you see the video. Please file an
enhancement request, so that xvimagesink supports a property to turn off
autofill and another to tell you about the colorkey. Then you can fill the
drawable yourself with the colorkey and paint your rectangle in a different
color over it. The video will be seen where the colorkey is visible.
> I try the following but I see nothing drawing on the screen…
> bus = self.Pipeline.get_bus()
> bus.add_signal_watch()
> bus.enable_sync_message_emission()
> bus.connect('message', self.on_message)
> bus.connect('sync-message::element', self.on_sync_message)
> #############
> ## Tell ximagesink to draw into the draw area that I give it, not in
> it’s own …
> def on_sync_message(self, bus, message):
> if message.structure is None:
> return
> message_name = message.structure.get_name()
> if message_name == "prepare-xwindow-id":
> imagesink = message.src
> imagesink.set_property("force-aspect-ratio", True)
> imagesink.set_xwindow_id(self.DrawingArea.window.xid)
> #############
> ## Now, on the expose event of the drawing area, paint the rectangle
> according to user input (mouse)
> #############
> def on_DrawingAreaCamera_expose_event(self,widget,event):
> #if self.area_selection_now is True:
> context = widget.window.cairo_create()
> #widget.window.draw(context)
> context.rectangle(self.area_selection)
> context.set_source_rgb(1,0,0)
> context.stroke()
> What is the right way to interact with ximagesink, so I can also draw
> things on it’s drawable??
> Regards
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