[gst-devel] Using g_singal_emit() in GStreamer

Sebastian Dröge sebastian.droege at collabora.co.uk
Tue Dec 15 17:54:27 CET 2009

Am Dienstag, den 15.12.2009, 11:33 -0500 schrieb José Alburquerque:

> My question is:
> How can we know which signals can be used this way?  Would all these
> signals have the G_SIGNAL_ACTION flag from the GSignalFlags[2] set?
> Would that be a safe way to determine which signals in GStreamer can
> be used this way?  Any docs to point me in the right direction would also
> be welcome.  Thanks.

Yes, signals with G_SIGNAL_ACTION are meant to be emitted from outside
the element and are handled inside the element. Signals without that
flag should be connected to by the outside and are emitted from inside
the element. That's the same as for the few action signals in GTK :)

For gstreamermm you probably want to provide convenience methods for
these action signals. The C# bindings have this
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