[gst-devel] Display static image?

gst at omroepvenray.nl gst at omroepvenray.nl
Mon Dec 28 09:01:47 CET 2009

> I'm using the videomixer plugin to create a combined video from two
> incoming
> video streams. Both videos are positioned horizontally next to each other.
> The second video has a smaller height than the first one. Resulting in a
> black rectangular area in the lower right corner of the video.
> I would like to fill this black hole with a static image. I have tried
> loading an image using a filesrc linked with a jpegdec element, but the
> problem is that the video gets an EOS event after having loaded the image,
> so it only shows for a fraction of a second.
> Is there any way to do it? I'm currently loading all my pipelines using
> the
> gst-launch parser, so a solution in gst-launch syntax would be ideal.
> However, I'd be willing to do it in code if needed.

You can use the videobox plugin for this. See
for an example pipeline:

gst-launch videotestsrc pattern=1 ! video/x-raw-yuv,
framerate=\(fraction\)10/1, width=100, height=100 ! videobox
border-alpha=0 alpha=0.5 top=-70 bottom=-70 right=-220 ! videomixer
name=mix ! ffmpegcolorspace ! xvimagesink videotestsrc ! video/x-raw-yuv,
framerate=\(fraction\)5/1, width=320, height=240 ! alpha alpha=0.7 ! mix.

Best regards,

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