[gst-devel] Query regarding using videotestsrc with a custom video sink plugin that is capable of allocating "special" (ie. display/hw) buffers

Mohan Krishna mohan.krishnar at gmail.com
Wed Feb 11 10:57:03 CET 2009


I am using a custom video sink plugin (which uses V4L2 api internally)
on an embedded device. This custom sink plugin implements a pad alloc
function so as to provide hw/display buffers to the upstream peer
plugin. There is a limit on the number of buffers that video sink
plugin can allocate (currently 4).

The pipeline I am using is
gst-launch videotestsrc !
! custom_video_sink

The issue I am facing is the custom_video_sink plugin runs out of
buffers as videotestsrc seems to continuously invoke pad_alloc_buffer
before giving back the buffers for rendering.

Requesting help from the developer community in addressing this issue.
What is the general practice used in scenarios where there is a limit
on the number of "special" buffers that can be allocated by the video
sink plugin.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thanks and Regards

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