[gst-devel] [RFC] DNS and new mailing lists

Donny Viszneki donny.viszneki at gmail.com
Wed Feb 25 20:50:51 CET 2009

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 6:34 AM, Edward Hervey <bilboed at gmail.com> wrote:
>  * gstreamer-{commits|devel|security|announce}@lists.freedesktop.org
>  OR
>  * {commits|devel|security|announce}@lists.gstreamer.org

Whichever domain name you wish to use, I would recommend keeping the
"gstreamer-" prepended to the beginning because some mail software
still use the email address instead of the Full-Name SMTP header.
*Some* mail software even likes to only use the part of the address
before the '@' sign.

The domain name I would recommend using is lists.gstreamer.org in case
-- one day far far away from now -- gstreamer switches to another
mailing list provider that is not the wonderful freedesktop people. It
would make the transition more seamless because you can take the
gstreamer.org domain name with you.


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