[gst-devel] how "gst-inspect" work

zhenfeng ren 1985renzf at gmail.com
Sat Jan 10 13:00:14 CET 2009

   I cross compile the Gstreamer for ARM.
   The problem is that the "gst-inspect" could not find any plugins
which are under  GST_PLUGIN_PATH.
   When I run gdb, I find that the "main()" of "gst-inspect" is in
"gst-run.c". I try set a breakpoint  at "main()" in "gst-inspect.c",
but I failed. I cannot find out how "gst-inspect" should work.
   Could  anyone tell me how "gst-inspect" find the plugins ?  That is
, if I compile a plugin and copy is to  GST_PLUGIN_PATH, how could
"gst-inspect" know that there is a new plugin?

Zhenfeng Ren

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