[gst-devel] Releasing gst-plugins-gl?

Jan Schmidt thaytan at mad.scientist.com
Tue Jul 7 04:21:49 CEST 2009

<quote who="Sebastian Dröge">

> Am Dienstag, den 07.07.2009, 04:14 +1000 schrieb Jan Schmidt:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > Daniel Siegel has been poking me here at GCDS about getting a first release
> > tarball of gst-plugins-gl out the door so he can finally start using it in
> > Cheese.
> > 
> > I wanted to see how you all feel about it - whether you think it is in good
> > enough shape to cut a 0.10.1 tarball, even if it doesn't yet provide the
> > kind of interface guarantees that our stable modules do?
> Until those guarantees are there I'd make the version 0.9.X to make sure
> everybody knows that this is still unstable API/ABI.

That would be a bad idea - as GStreamer core won't load plugins that have
anything other than 0.10 in the PluginDesc major/minor version fields, which
is what they'd end up with without more changes.

Personally, I don't see a problem with using 0.10 version numbers and a
warning in the release notes about possible API changes in the elements -
it's the same thing we do with gst-plugins-bad after all.


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