[gst-devel] problems multipart jpeg to vlc

john oliver johnwpoliver at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 30 08:31:59 CEST 2009

 >>From: johnwpoliver at hotmail.com
>>To: gstreamer-devel at lists.sourceforge.net
>>Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 17:13:38 +0100
>>Subject: [gst-devel] problems multipart jpeg to vlc

>>I'm having trouble streaming a multipart jpeg encoded file to VLC, using a gst app spawned from an RTSP/SDP process.
>>However, using VLC to connect to an rtsp process which spawns off an application which builds the above pipeline, things don't quite work. In wireshark I >>can see the rtsp session ( and it species the caps shown above), and it seems to be working ok. And I can see the MJPEG packets being sent to the VLC >>host, however VLC doesn't display them as they are received. Whenever I terminate both the rtp and rtsp applications on the sender host (using kill -15) >>VLC finally wakes up and displays a short burstr of frames from the start of the clip.


I resolved this, in case anybody is interested in the future. My RTP gstreamer app was fine. The problem was actually with my RTSP session - I had been terminating the SDP part of my DESCRIVE response with an extra '\r\n'. Took this out and it worked. Beforehand, the live555 part of vlc and smplayer were still waiting on further input over the rtsp connection and not watching out for incoming rtp packets.


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