[gst-devel] Debugging memory allocation

Daniel James Laird daniel.j.laird at nxp.com
Thu Mar 12 12:27:56 CET 2009


I am having real difficulty debugging memory allocation in my application.

Can anyone help

1.) How do I enable GST_BUFFER debug to that I can see what is going on

I usually do export GST_DEBUG=XXXX:[1-5] but using GST_BUFFER does not seem to work, I cant find anything in docs etc on how to turn on this debug using env variables.

2.) I use dynamic library loading and this seems to mean that both memwatch and mtrace are not too useful as I can not get the caller fields to be filled with anything other than a hex address which is not as helpful as I had hoped.
Using valgrind on a mips platform does not work either.

I would love to know how others are debugging memory leaks etc when using gstreamer on embedded devices.  In the mean time finding out how to get GST_BUFFER debug to come out would be really helpful.

hope you can help
Daniel Laird 

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