[gst-devel] Gstreamer is impossible to use with web browser.

Shamun toha md shamun.toha at gmail.com
Mon Dec 20 22:46:53 CET 2010

I dont know how many of you tried like this (non stop 1 week testing and
testing till midnight). But i did really a big try till now 20, December
2010, and i gave up, because i want to have a answer either a big yes or no,
finally came to a answer which is "NO".

GStreamer using java applet is impossible (do not ever try and spend your

- I wrote very simple source src and sink application in java applet and i
used gstreamer wrapper
- I converted it as java applet
- I signed it with my details (completely signed), which works in my Linux
box having gstreamer pre installed by simply doing "java -jar myapplet.jar"
- I played it in Linux  all browsers (including
firefox/konquer/chrome/opera) result does not work, even i have signed
applet + java all updates
- I installed Virtual OS Windows XP/Vista/7 and downloaded same .jar files
and gstreamer in Windows machine, gave try with
(IE6/ IE7/ IE8/ IE9 and Firefox/ Chrome/ Opera/ Sea monkey/ Safari/ Flock/

DOES not work

What i can do to solve this ? I must install gstreamer (i know then it
works) ? But why i cant embed gstreamer with my applet web install/web start
..etc etc???

Thanks  & Regards
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